How peculiar. 6

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The light manor^

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The light manor^

There I stood in the large foyer, Jackson had just left. It's not uncommon for him to leave me feeling grim but this time I just felt empty. Like the manor, it was so quiet, lifeless and it was not the architecture of it that made it so, my house was beautiful this room in particular, the whole interior of the manor is mostly white, A few wooden details with gold embellishments, and this room included grand staircases leading up with a crystal chandelier. The kind fit for a castle. if the walls spoke in our tongue I could only Imagine what story they would have, This manor has been in our family for generations.

The foyer^

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The foyer^

"Miss light?" I heard a foreign and curious voice, I turned and saw A woman maybe early 20s, "yes, and you are?" I spoke firm but cheerfully
"right my name is Lexi, I'm a new maid I was sent to come to find you once I was informed Mr. Wood had left" she assured. "I see, am I needed for something?"
was I ever really needed.

"I have clothes, a few accessories, and some make-up pieces packed up for you, Violet would like for you to grab anything else you want to bring to The Wilson's house." oh goodness that's today? Right father already left "of course, was there a specific time to head over?" I asked
"no need to rush Miss you'll be heading over at 7 PM once Mrs. Wilson has arrived home from work, Violet will find you when it's time to go"

" thank you, Lexi. it was nice meeting you" with that I walked off to Gather any remaining things I would need. Which consisted of a few books, school stuff, my phone, and lastly my journal. That should be everything, it's only two weeks, I wonder what The Wilson family-like, I've skimmed over the file my father has them. He likes to keep track of the people in Whitestone, is it legal? Certainly not, but what am I supposed to do go against my father, no way. God, I can hardly focus on one thing at a time my mind is so filled with clutter, maybe a stroll around the gardens would help, One last time before I leave for a little bit.

The roses were delightful, the garden was vast covering at least a half-acre, our property was around 30 acres. Filled with vineyards and such. But the roses have always been my favorite, although they will soon be going dormant for winter. I arrived at the center of the Garden.
an odd smell approached through the gentle winds, it was foul! but not like fertilizer this was different, before I could try and locate the cause.
I was addressed by a man in dark clothes he was middle-aged probably in his 40s,

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