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I felt so small. Amber move closer to me. Until she stood about a step away

Zack glared at me. And even though it was clearly driven by irritation. I couldn't help getting lost in his eyes. There usual color, Was hypnotizing. I turned my head back to the women in front of me

Amber wore a smirk. And leaned down she softly grabbed my chin, barely touching it with her fingers.

"Emma?, I did not expect to see you here and wearing his shirt.  Dont Tell me I read you all wrong?"

Her amused expression, made me nervous

"Uh... wha..?" God pulled yourself together, these confident people are scary.

"Amber" his voice cut in like a warning

"come down kid, her and I are friends"

Her eyes fells back on me.

"Hows it feel feeling? Sweetheart" she asked while carefully tracing the bruises that spread around my jaw and throat.

"It's okay, I just came down for some ice"

She smiled.

"Here" zack handed me an ice pack
bipolar B-word

I slowly grabbed it from him. And whispered a thank you, I was still mad at him, am I being overdramatic?

"Damnn something must've happened between you two, the tension in here is almost thicker then your dick. Am I right Emma? " Amber bumped Zack in the shoulder and he just looked more pissed

Oh my goodness she did not just say that.

"Uhh I wouldn't know" i'm sure my face looked redder than a tomato by now seeing by how much my cheeks were burning.

Amber Pouted. "Thats to bad, for being so young he's actually great in bed, well, if you could handle how dom-"  

"Amber shut the fuck up" Zack cut her off before she could finish.

"Yes daddy" Amber said through a fit of laughter

"i'm going to beat the shit out of you" Zach said unamused

Amber winked at him

" not in the good way" you could tell Zach was trying to hide it. but he wore a small smile.

"Wait please don't hurt her, i'm sure she was just messing with you"  I chimed in. I know he may have been joking but I couldn't get Jason's busted up face out of my head.

They both stared at me.

"I...um did I say something?"

"Awww your so cute" amber ruffled her hand through my hair.

Am I?

"Dont worry babe He would never hurt me, well unless I asked him to"

Asked him to? Oh, oh

Oh my God. What they were talking about had finally clicked. I didn't think it was possible for my face to get any hotter. But it clearly showed.
even Zack started laughing, he had such a nice laugh.  Which made all the reasons I had been mad at him for disappear.

I tensed up as Zack's hand gently grasped my chin. He leaned down to my ear. I could feel he's warm breath. Hitting my neck.

"Emma~ just what are you thinking about, that's making your face so red?" he whispered

He moved back just enough for our eyes to meet.

"Hmm? Not going to answer me?"  he spoke slowly. we've been face-to-face before, but this felt completely different, It made me feel completely different

Amber cleared her throat

Zack backed up and his hand left my body

" Zack you better be planning to share"
She smiled.

Share? Did she mean me?

He grabbed her jaw rather harshly. he treated me like a china doll just a second ago. he whispered something in her ear, but I couldn't quite make it out..

She rolled her eyes in annoyance im pretty sure.

I held the small ice pack to my jaw.

"Um Amber"

"Yes babe?"

"You had said that Zack and you um had slept together?"

"That's true, a few times" she laugh

" I was just curious because I thought you were into girls?"

"Oh cutie, you know you can swing for both teams, it's double the fun," she winked at me

she then glared at Zack, and pulled me into a hug.

"Goodnight babe, I need to get going, let me know if Zack's mean to you. I'll take care of it."

She walked off, and smack Zack on the head on her way out.

Zack's eyes felt like they were burning a hole in my body, god something about the way he stared it Made me think back to what Amber was saying about him in bed. What was wrong with me?

"Do you need something?" I asked

"You should keep it"

"I'm sorry?"

"My shirt, keep it, I like how it looks on you"

Is he messing with me right now?

"Um o..okay"

"Emma, let's take shots"

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter🥰 sorry it took me so long to get it up and it's kinda short.

I work retail so with Christmas everything was slammed.

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