Mirrors aren't as we see. 5

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Emma's POV

I'm awake now it's 2:30 am Saturday. I guess I fell asleep too early last night, I want to get up but the sun has yet to rise, and it's dark, too dark, I feel like I'm being suffocated by it. It's pathetic but I'm still scared of the dark. I always have been, no one ever helped me through it and they never will.

I hate the dark when I'm alone in it. Just me and my thoughts, nothing to look at, no distractions, and absolutely no escape. Suddenly I remembered, my flashlight! I have one, under one of these pillows. Now I know what you're thinking why not just use your phone, well I don't know where it is, I never got it out of my bag last night. Finally, after running my arms under each pillow I grasped it, flicked it on headed towards the light switch, I quickly turned on the lights and waited for my eyes to adjust, and I walked cautiously along the glossy marble floor to the bathroom, there I saw someone I hated in the mirror, though I couldn't help but look at it, every time I entered the room.

My dull eyes did they ever sparkle? carefully I stripped myself of the clothes from yesterday, my finger lazily traced my undergarments, did I look puffier than usual, not possible, I reached for my scale and step gently on it, I had lost weight I thought lightly smiling at myself, so why do I seem so much bigger? My god my skin is so bruised and broken, I'm broken looking. Reluctantly I pulled myself from the mirror silently wishing I never looked, to begin with, I stepped into the shower and tried to let my worries wash away Along with the dried blood that I missed last night.

I finally got out of the shower once my skin had started to prune and quickly wrapped my body in a plush towel, this time I didn't dare look in the mirror as I left the room, I saw that I had clothes laid out on my bed, my father generally picked my outfits. It was a flowy chiffon floral dress, mid-length. Paired with some nude tights and plain rosy pink heels.

 Paired with some nude tights and plain rosy pink heels

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The dress^

I slowly recognize the dress, it was one of my mom's. Was today special? No matter I was happy to wear the dress, my mom was beautiful, she was tall and slender, with soft blue eyes, curly blonde hair. Her real beauty though came from The way she saw the world, my mom believed in fairytales, she said each person had their own kind of magic, not the kind like casting spells and flying. But spreading happiness she believed was a kind of Magic. Reading was our escape she took me on mini adventures through pages of her favorite books. She protected me from the demons of the dark. And when she passed I lost my shield.

I was startled by a knock on the door, "come in" The door opened and I saw Violet, "hello miss Amelia, how are you doing this morning?" I gave her a smile "I'm lovely and you?" She returned the smile "I'm wonderful, come sit let's get you all prettied up" she said padding the seat of my vanity, around an hour and 30 minutes past, she finished drying and curling my hair. Then Applied some makeup. "All right dear you're all done, now downstairs someone's waiting for you," she said walking off " by the way you look just as beautiful in that dress as your mother did" she added. I took a few deep breaths, and got up maybe a tad bit too fast, the world started to spin and I brace myself on my vanity. I'm okay, I reassured myself that happens to everyone.

As I left my room, I walked towards the stairs and started down them, until I saw him. I stopped in my tracks, Jackson wood, he stood around in 5'11 pretty fit, styled back light brown hair, and dark brown eyes. I cautiously walk down the stairs towards him, he sent me a wicked smile.
"There you are, you took your sweet time didn't you," he said grabbing my hand

"I'm sorry I didn't know you were coming," I said softly

"Oh don't worry about it, how is My darling girlfriend" I shuttered at the word girlfriend, "I'm doing wonderful" I showed him a smile

He grabbed my waist and pulled me in rather harsh I might add, he leaned down and tried to kiss me, but I quickly turned my head his lips landed on my cheek. He grabbed my chin firmly and forced me to look at him,

"you know cupcake you can't keep avoiding me like this, we're soon to be engaged after all" he said Lazily playing with the hem Of my dress

"excuse me there's no way in hell I would ever marry you!" He grabbed my hair, tangling his fingers tightly through it.

"You don't get a choice, it was already arranged with your father. Do you think I'm happy about this? There are more girls I'd rather be with than your prissy ass" he spoke rather venomously

no way my father said this wouldn't be permanent, I refuse for my future to be with him. Before I could respond he started up again"and honestly Melli, you should consider yourself lucky" his hold on my hair tightening, OK this is starting to hurt,

"your right, I'm sorry Jack" I said trying to calm him down

" don't worry about it babe, I get it you're probably stressed, I know something we could do to relax you"

he said As His hand slowly Unlaced from my hair and the other inching its way around my dress. nervous I forced laugh

" have you seen my father today?"

His eyes glanced back at my face "changing the subject I see and yes I have, he left early for his trip this morning"

releasing me from his hold "oh" I replied

"anyways, I have places to be, oh and I'll get what I want from you eventually it's just a matter of time" with that he padded my head and left.

Okay everyone I hope you enjoyed this bonus page, I had some spare time☺️

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