Chapter 13 : Lost

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Amy's Pov
Before I let her in, I saw a gold book and I think it is a diary book because it has a lock on it. I quickly find the right key for the diary book to open. After searching for 30 minutes, I finally found it! Argh! So tiring! I went to my room to hide the diary book. When I walk to the living-room I saw Rora sleeping peacefully so I let her sleep and took her blanket from her bed and put it over her. I went to take a short shower, brush my teeth and decided to read the diary book. I wanted to read it with reasons. First thing, I want to know how close she was with Taeyang. Secondly, I want to know how miserable she was without Taeyang. I'm sorry Rora but I have to do this. I read all of the pages and understood her more better when she's around with Taeyang. I felt bad for her and I want her to be happy no matter what happens. I switch off the lamp, kept the book and went to bed.

Rora's Pov
I woke up finding myself at the sofa. I think I must have slept there last night after I cried so hard. I took a quick shower and wore a black dress. I just drank coffee and go to work. Just in time the bus was here and I quickly find a sit. I sat down and kept thinking about yesterday. My hand was still bandaged as it still has many scratches and it is still painful. I was thinking about what I did last night and I really didn't know what was I thinking! Throwing things and broken them all in fact I threw most of the stuffs, was given by Taeyang on my brithdays. The only thing I didn't broke or tear it was the pictures and the heart locket. In my locket, I put a small picture of him. A tear escaped from my eyes when I look at the picture. After 15 minutes of reaching my workplace, I quickly went inside, put my bag in the locker as usual and start work. While doing my work, at the same time I was feeling lost and hurt. I just couldn't stop thinking about him and the words he spoke out about Lora. I can't believe all those times thinking about him are gone wasted. The library manager walk around the library to check things were fine when he saw me. He went to me and ask,"What happen to your hands?" He asked worriedly as he cares about the people who work at the library. "It's nothing. I was cutting the vegetables and it accidently cut my hand but I'm fine." I lied. "Hmm... I think you should take a few day off. I don't you to be injured more." He said to me. "Kamsahaminida." I said and then he left.
After work, I quickly take my bag and want to go home! Running away from people who keep asking about my hand. Then, I got a text from Taeyang,"Hey, I just want to thank you that you helped me a lot! That day you told me to be brave and tell Lora how I felt towards her and I did! She agreed to be with me! Thanks a lot again! I owe you goodnight! :-)" I saw the text and I was furious but I keep calming myself down.

Amy's Pov
"Are you OK?" I asked Rora while eating as I saw her face was angry and furious.
Before, I could go in her room, she slam the door and said,"I'm fine and sorry for the slamming."
I could hear her crying and sobbing inside. "Rora, I know you're not OK so just let me in. I can help you and you know I will always be there for you." I said comfortimg her and willing her to open the door.
She open the door and sat on her bed with a lot of tears. "Hey, what's wrong?" I asked worriedly.
She showed me the text Taeyang sent. In my heart, this guy is an idiot showing her that kind of text but I'm not going to be angry at him at all as he don't know what's going on :/ . After reading the text, I patted Rora's back and said comforting words and tell hilarious jokes to cheer her up. She did laughed at the jokes and I think she feel much better but I know this is just the beginning. Yikes! She did told me that her manager gave her a few days off because of her hand. The manager was afraid that it might worsened the hand. After that, Rora changed her clothes, ate dinner and I help her change the bandage. I decided to watch Rora's favourite movie to lighten her mood. After a few minutes, I saw her sitting at the sofa and not watching it. I can tell she is missing him and want him badly. I started to miss the Rora that I once knew. The best friend and a sister to me is nowhere to be found. Then her phone rang, it was Taeyang...

Taeyang's Pov
After I text her, she didn't reply. Usually she would even though she's busy but this time never so I was curious. I decided to call her to know why she never text me back and if she's OK. I dialed her number and she never pick up. I was starting to get worried so I dialed her home number. Luckily, someone pick up the phone. "Hello is this Rora?" "No, I'm Amy and Rora is watching television." "Is she OK? Cause she never picked up her phone." "I think she put her phone in silent mode." "Can I speak to her?" "Uh... I don't think so..." "Why?" "She's not in a good mood right now... Maybe tomorrow you can talk to her." "Oh...OK." "You can meet her and give her accompany since she's not working tomorrow and I'm working." "That will be great. See you guys tomorrow!" Then I hung up the phone.
At night, I couldn't sleep peacefully as I was worrying about Rora. After rolling on the bed many times, I fell into deep sleep.

♥Hey guys, thanks for reading the chapters for this book and I hope you guys vote, comment and follow me! :-D♥

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