Chapter 44 : Things Are Settled But Not All

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Amy's Pov
After reaching home, I open the front door and saw Rora sitting on the sofa, hugging her knees. I close the front door and sat beside her. "Rora, you ok?" I asked her and looked worried.
She shook her head and wipe her tears with her hands. "What are you going to do now?" I asked again and waited for her reply patiently. "I want to go to other country. I'll come back again when I'm ready." She replied to me. "Are you sure about this?" I asked her as I want her to confirm her decision. "Ya, I'm sure about this and can you suggest me a nice country to go to?" She asked me and I started to think. "Hmm...Maybe you could go to Paris! I remebered that you once said that you wanna go there desperately." I suggested. "I don't think Paris is a good idea to go at the moment, don't you think?" She told me and I realised my mistake. "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean-" Before I could finish my words, she interrupted me. "It's ok. I know you didn't mean to say it." She said and I felt calmer. "Hmm...Aha! Maybe you can travel with me." I suggested. "Where you're going?" She asked me curiously. "Well, I'm going to Japan for important things like meetings, new projects and many more." I explained. "How long will you be staying there?" She asked me. "For a month." I answered her.
She was silent for a minute as I think that she is making a decision whether to follow me or not. Then, she finally said a word. "I'll go." She said and spread a small smile. "That's great! Tomorrow I want you to start packing up." I told her and she gave me a shock look. "Tomorrow?" She repeated. "Yes, tomorrow." I repeated myself. "Ok." She said and lie down on the sofa.
I could see her cheeks are stained with tears and her eyes seemed to be extremely tired. "Well, I'm gonna go to bed. Goodnight." I said. "Goodnight." She replied back and close her eyes.

Jiyong's Pov
I was lying down on my bed and kept thinking about the incident earlier on. I kept picturing Rora in my head as I am feeling worried for her. What could she be doing right now? Is she alright? Is she hurt? Did I make her feel bad? I kept asking myself tons of questions but could not answer any of them. I force myself closing to close my eyes and sleep.

"Goodbye Jiyong." Rora whispered sadly in my ears.
I woke up and saw her leaving my bedroom. I get off from my bed and run to her. "Rora wait. Where are you going?" I asked her desperately as I saw a luggage beside her.
She stop walking and turn to look at me. "Far away." She answered me and started to walk again. "No wait!" I shouted.
Out of nowhere, I fell down and my head hit the floor.

I open my eyes widely and sat up straight on my bed. "It's just a dream." I said to myself.
Suddenly, I heard a doorbell. "Who could that be?" I asked myself and went to the front door.
I opened the door and saw Taeyang. "What do you want?" I asked him, not looking at him. "I want you to know the truth between me and Rora. I don't want you to get the wrong idea." He said.
I look at him and he seemed to be telling the truth. "Come in." I told him.
Both of us sat on a chair and I waited for him to say something. "Rora and I were in a relationship but only for a while because of Lora." He said. "What did Lora do to make both of you separated?" I asked him as I was getting curious. "Before Rora and I were a couple, I was with Lora. She broke up with me because I kept talking about Rora and my past with her and I didn't realise it untill she told me." He answered. "What made Lora come back to you?" I asked again. "She told me that she felt guilty for breaking up with me and wants to be back with me. I actually disagree on that and she wasn't happy with it. So she told her parents." He said. "How did you know?" I asked. "I heard her talking on the phone. She lied to her parents that Rora is the cause that made me and Lora separated. Her parents believed her words and decided to make an arrange marriage by talking to my parents. My parents agreed on it because they are best friends and they think me and Lora will be perfect together." He explained to me in details. "Then Rora decided to break up with you so that things will be settled." I finish off. "Ya." He said. "I'm sorry for being mad at you when I didn't know what was going on." I apologised. "I'm sorry for not telling you and I promise not to hide things from you again." He apologised to me.
We gave each other a best friend hug and forgave each other. "Can I know what made you fall for Rora?" He asked me as he was curious. "Well, I love her eyes, her smile, her laughter and her personality. I hope that all this while, she loves me truly." I said sadly. "Of course she loves you bro. She moved on and she even agreed to marry you." He comforted me. "Thanks. Wait...How did you know?" I asked him, feeling surprised. "Amy told me." He said. "That explains it. Do you think Rora still has feelings for you? Cause I know the locket she's wearing, bought by you." I told him. "I don't know. Somehow, I felt that I'm the locket and you're her engagement ring." He said and we laughed. "Ya, you're right." I said, feeling that I am the ring. "Let's visit her to see whether she's ok or not." He suggested. "Uh...I need to get change first. You know that I am..." I tried to explain by showing my appearnce. "Ok. I understand. I guess I'll wait here." He lie down on the sofa and I went to get changed.

Taeyang's Pov
I decided to get some rest while Jiyong change his clothes. I felt lighter and glad that Jiyong believed my explanation. I thought that he would never wanted to see or hear anything from me. For Rora, I hope she is fine. I am worried about her a lot. I am hoping that she would not do anything stupid like the last time. I think she will not do it again as I see some changes after she lost her memory. After waiting for 15 minutes, Jiyong was dressed nicely and we went to his car to go to Rora's apartment. We finally reach there after an hour. When we reached her apartment, Jiyong knock on her door for several times and also press the doorbell. "Rora. Amy. Open the door." I said loudly but no one replied. "What day is today?" He asked me. "Saturday." I answered quickly. That means today is her day off." He said and kept knocking on the door. "Maybe she went shopping?" I guessed. "I don't think so. Let's try opening this door." He said and turning the doorknob without hesitating.
To our surprise, the door flew open when he opened the door.

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