Chapter 41 : The Ring And The Locket

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Rora's Pov
When I reached home, Amy was sitting on the sofa eating snacks. "What's with that smile?" She asked curiously. "Guess." I said and sat beside her. "Hmm...Um...I got nothing." She said after a long thinking. "Well, look." I told her and show her my hands. "Jiyong proposed you?!" She asked excitedly.
I nodded my head and started to smile even brighter. "Rora, can I ask you something?" She asked in a serious tone. "Sure, anything." I answered her. "When are you taking that locket out?" She asked me and look at me. "I...I..I don't know." That was the only thing that I can say right now. "Rora, you should let go of him. It's time and look, you're engaged with Jiyong. You can't be loving both of them at once and you must be aware that both of them are best friends too." She told me seriously. "I know." I sighed heavily and look at the ring and the locket. "Are you working tomorrow?" Amy asked while eating her snacks. "Nope. Why?" I replied. "Just asking." She said and took another bite of her snack. "Well, I'm gonna go bed now." I walk to my room and close my door.
I change my fancy clothes into sleeping clothes and lie down on my bed. After a while, I fell into a deep sleep.

"Jiyong!" I ran to him and gave him a tight hug.
When I look at him, he seemed to be sad and hurt. He slowly break the hug and hold my hand. I felt confused and lost. "Why didn't you told me about Taeyang? Why are you still wearing that locket?" He asked me and his eyes are getting teary. "I was going to tell you-" I was going to finish my sentence when Jiyong interrupted me. "Goodbye Rora." He said sadly and started to walk away.
I stared at him as he walks away fast. "Wait! Jiyong stop! Come back!" I shouted at him while running towards him.
I felt that I could never reach him but I still kept running. Suddenly, a car that I am familiar with, hit me with a fast speed and I was being thrown to the tree and knock my head hard.

I woke up and found myself sweating a lot. I sat upstraight and touch my head. "Thank goodness it was just a dream." I told to myself.
Suddenly, my phone buzzed. I took it and found a message from Taeyang.

Taeyang : Do you want to hang out at our park?
Me : Sure. What time?
Taeyang : Maybe now.

I put my phone aside and drew my curtains open. I saw Taeyang waiting for me. I quickly get changed and went downstairs. "Why do you come here so early?" I asked him as soon as I approached him. "I want to escape from Lora. She kept demanding non-stop." He explained to me. "Hehe. Have you had your breakfast?" I asked him as I was hungry. "Let's go have some breakfast." He said and I agreed.
As we were walking, we kept talking non-stop and kept looking at the different food places. "Taeyang, let's go there!" I said excitedly and hold his hand unexpectedly. "Ok." He smile at me and I think he likes me holding his hand.
We went to that food place and had our breakfast meal there. "The food is so delicious!" I told him as we were walking out of the food place. "Wait. There's something on your lips." He told me.
Before I could wipe it with my fingers, he hold my hand to stop me from doing it and kiss me. I want to push him away but I just stand there frozen. After the kiss, I look away and somehow felt guilty. "I'm sorry. I just miss you so much." He walk nearer to me. "It's ok. I gotta go. Bye." I walk away from him as fast as I could.
Suddenly, I bump into someone and cause both of us to fall. "I'm sorry." I apologised and help the person out. "Jiyong?" I asked the person as soon as I saw the face. "Rora!" He pull me in for a hug and I just hug him back tightly as if I have never seen him for ages. "So what are you doing around here?" He asked me and hold my hand. "I just came here for breakfast." I told him and not wanting to go further. "Why didn't you eat with me." He showed me his cute eyes. "How about, we have lunch together later?" I asked him to cheer him up. "Ok!" He replied and gave me a kiss on my cheeks.
I blushed a little when he kissed me and we decided to go to the park.

Jiyong's Pov
After we reached at the park, we decided to stroll around the park while talking about our future plans. "Remember this bridge?" I asked her as we went to that bridge. "Of course I do. That's where you confessed to me that you love me." She replied and I felt happy that she remembered it. "We also had our first kiss here." I added and she started to smile.
I stand behind her and wrap my arms around her waist. She let her head rested on my shoulder and I lean against the bridge. We stayed like that for a while and enjoy the breeze. "Jiyong, I want to go home. I'm tired." She told me. "Let's go together. But first,..." Before I could finish my words, she interrupted me. "I know what you want." She quickly gave me a quick kiss and both of us kept smiling away.

♡Hey guys, so sorry for not updating early and I hope you like this chapter. Please do vote, comment and follow!♡

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