Chapter 28 : We'll Meet Again...

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Rora's Pov
After he kissed me, we pull away. I was so shock that he did that to me and it was my first kiss with him. I was flattered, blushed and happy by it. "I'm sorry if it's too early to start a relationship with you but I just couldn't leave you like that. I love you." He confessed to me. "I love you too Taeyang and it's not too early." I told him and gave him a big smile.
He smiled to me and gave me amorous hug. I hugged him back tightly and wishing that he won't have to go. After we broke the hug, Taeyang look at his watch which I gave him. "Is it time for you to go?" I asked. "Ya. It is." He answered me.
I looked disappointed and sad at the same time as I really wanted to hang out with him more often after the kiss. "Let's head back before others started worrying about you." I said and turn away from him and walk. "Rora wait." He said, pulling my arm so that I will stop walking. "Could you give me my last kiss before we go?" He asked as I can see his eyes are going to fill with tears.
I smiled, went closer to him and fulfilled his wish. Then we hug again before heading back to the others. There was a minute of silence between us and then he finally talk. "Come on let's go." He finally said something. "Ok." I agreed.
He wanted to hold my hand but I pull away. "What's wrong?" He asked, looking confused. "People will noticed it and I don't want to cause trouble." I explained.
He sighed heavily and nodded his head and we walk back to where others are. "Hey you!" Amy said suddenly, running to me and gave me a hug.
Taeyang left me by giving a signal and I responded back. After she hug me, I shed some tears. "What's wrong?" She asked worriedly. "He's going." I answered her in between sobs. "Aw. Come here you." She said and gave me a comforting hug. "Anneyeong Rora." Jiyong said to me.
I looked at him and greeted back at him. "Why are you crying?" He asked. "Nothing. It's just that I'll be missing you guys. That's all." I answered him. "Don't be sad OK and I want to give you this." He said and holding out a small box gift.
I was surprised by that and took it. "I hope you like it." He said. "Kamsahaminida." I thanked him.
He then wiped my tears with a tissue and I was surprised by it but I just smile and thanked him. I kept looking at Taeyang silently without letting Jiyong and Amy know untill he went off. He waved me goodbye and I waved back and smile to him. Then, he went off. "I think it's time for you to go too." I told Jiyong. "Oh..Ya. See you soon!" He told me and waved goodbye. "See you soon! Bye." I said and waved back at him. "Come on. Let's head back home." Amy said as we broke the hug. "So did you confessed it to him." She asked. "No but he did." I told her. "Oh my gosh! Tell me what had happened!" She asked excitedly.
As we were walking to the carpark, I told her every single details. "Finally you both are a couple now!" She said happily. "But don't tell anyone!" I said to her seriously. "Ok ok. I won't." She said. "By the way, Jiyong is so strange." I said. "Why?" She asked. "Since I lost my memory, he has been looking out for me and just now he gave me a gift." I told her. "Maybe he wants to treat you as a friend you know." She told me. "But I met him when we were in university and he never act like this before." I explained. "Oh...Then...We'll see." She said.
After that we went in the car and Amy drove back home.

Taeyang's Pov
We all went in the plane and had placed our luggages and bags. I sat down next to Jiyong and beside me is Lora. I was very nervous and uncomfortable sitting next to her as we broke up at the hospital. As other artists are busy placing their bags and getting ready to sit down, I decided to give a quick text to Rora.
"Hey Rora. I hope you will feel better after today. Don't think of me so much OK? Be happy and I'll come back soon. I'm gonna miss you and I love you. Text you soon!"
After texting her, I waited for her reply. Within a minute, she replied back to me and I was excited to see her reply.
"I'm gonna miss you too. I'll try my best to be happy everyday without seeing you and have a safe journey! I love you."
After that, I switched off my phone as the plane is going to take off.
"It's Rora right?" Lora suddenly asked. "Ya." I answered her. "I'm sorry that I left you heartbroken on that day and I didn't mean to do that to you." She explained to me. "It's ok and I'm sorry that I upset you when we were dating." I said apologising to her. "It's ok. By the way, how's Rora? Is she feeling better?" She asked curiously. "Ya, she's fine now. Just that she lost her memory." I told her. "Lost memory? Does that means she forget me?" She asked again. "Maybe. I don't know." I answered her again. "I hope she gets all answers she needs to solve her questions of her past." She told me with a smile. "Me too but now she's getting better." I told her. "So...Uh...Can we be back together? Cause I was so stupid to leave you like that and I missed you." She asked again, looking at me. "Lora we can't." I answered her. "Why?" She asked and look at me. "Cause I'm in love with someone else." I replied back to her. "Oh...OK..." She said looking away. "I'm sorry to hurt you Lora." I said apologising to her. "It's OK. I'm too late and it's my fault." She told me and gave me a weak smile.
Then, I turned away from her and wished that the plane will arrived in Japan soon.

Amy's Pov
After driving for an hour, we finally arrived at the apartment carpark. I look at Rora who was staring into space for so long. I parked the car and usually people will unbuckle their seatbelts and go but Rora didn't response anything. She didn't unbuckle her seatbelt nor talk to me. I tapped on her shoulder and called her name. "Rora...Rora..Rora!" I said her name louder each time. "Yes?" She asked. "Are you OK?" I asked her. "Ya, I'm really fine. Just feeling lost." She answered. "You're thinking about Taeyang right?" I asked her again.
She sighed heavily and nodded her head. "He's gonna come back soon and you're gonna hang out with him again. Trust me." I told her. "Thank you Amy for being there for me." She said.
Then we hug and I felt more better that she is fine. "Wanna go shopping after I've finished my work?" I asked her to brighten her mood. "Sure but what time we should meet?" She asked. "Uh...I'll fetch you from the apartment." I told her that as I'm not sure. "OK then. See you later, Meme!" She said jokingly and shut the car door.
I was shocked that she remembered that nickname I hated but cute. I just smile thinking of that and I hope in the future that we will get closer like the old days. Then, I drove to work.

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