Chapter 17 : Last Day Off

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Rora's Pov
I woke up in the morning feeling fresh and happy. I don't know why I felt that way. Maybe because I felt much better after yesterday counciling? I make my bed and look at the clock hung at the living-room and it showed 9 a.m. I went to Amy's room to check her out. I went in but could not find her. I guess she goes to work early. I took a quick shower, brush my teeth and make my breakfast. As I was cooking scramble eggs, my phone rang. I ran to my room to get my phone quickly. "Anneyeonghasaeyeo, who is this?" I asked. "It's me Amy. I just want to check you out whether you're fine or not." She said. "I'm fine. In fact, I felt much better." I told her and walk back to the kitchen. "Indeed you are. Your voice is much more happier. What happened to you? What made you happy today?" She asked feeling curious. "I don't know. Maybe the counciling did helped me?" I told her. "See, what did I told you. It worked!" She said proudly. "Hahaha...Ya, it did. Amy, I want to thank you so much for helping and I'm so sorry that I'm not myself for the past few days." I told her. "Nah...It's OK." She said. "OK, I gotta go. See you at night. Bye!" I said. "Bye!" She said and hung up the phone.
I put down my phone and take the scramble egg off from the pan. I placed it carefully on top of my plate and pour orange juice in my glass cup. Then, I ate my scramble eggs and drank my juice. After I finished my breakfast meal, I decided to jog around the park to get some fresh air since I've been moody and sad for the past few days and I really think it was horrible. Today I'm also going to enjoy my last day off before work starts tomorrow.

Amy's Pov
My work end earlier and I wanted to shop around for a while when my phone rang. "Anneyeonghasaeyeo?" I said.
"Anneyeong Amy! It's me Taeyang, remember?" He asked.
"Ya, of course I do remember you." I said. "Can we talk about Rora?" He asked. "Uh...Not now cause I'm kind of busy with my work." I lied to avoid telling the truth. "Oh...OK." He said sadly.
"Maybe tomorrow?" I asked to lightened his mood. "Sounds great!" He said. "OK, bye!" I said and hung the phone.
Then, I went shopping for my own things.

Taeyang's Pov
After Amy hung up the phone, I walk around my house feeling worried for Rora. Yesterday I met her and sent her home. She's always excited if I sent her home but she was like avoiding me. I wonder why? I noticed that her smile faded away when she saw Lora. Is that her enemy? I don't know but Lora treat her like her best friend. I'm so curious and wanted to find out more. I decided to jog around the park with Lora to release my stress and enjoy the breeze for a while. When we reached there, we jogged around the park when I saw Rora was there too. I speed up a little to talk to Rora. "Honey, wait!" Lora said panting. "I need to--" I stopped my words as she interrupted me. "Nevermind, I'll sit at the bench! I'm tired." She said and relaxed on the bench. Finally, I was in the same pace as Rora. "Hey Rora!" I said. "Hey." She said back to me. "So what are you doing here?" I asked. "I just want to get some fresh air. You?" She asked me and gave a big smile. "Same too." I said smiling back to her. "You look cheerful today." I added. "Ya, I don't know why. At least it's better than being moody and sad. I felt happy that I'm back to the way I was." She said. "Same too." I said to her and we continue to jog around the park.
Then we chatted and laughed like the old times. I was much more happier this time. After that, we went to where Lora sat. "Hey Rora!" Lora said to Rora. "Hey." She said. "Wanna join with us for lunch?" Lora asked and hold my hand.
Rora look at it and I can see she's avoiding something and just smile. "Sure and you guys sure look like a perfect couple!" She said to us and Lora smile blushingly.
I led them to my car and we did chat together on some stuffs and we finally reach at a restaurant.
"Wow! You actually bring me here?" Lora said excitedly as she look at the restaurant. "Yup. It's your favourite." I said to her and smile to her. "Thank you so much!" She said and hug me.
I can tell she's being dramatic and all but she's cute. As she went in first choosing the table, I saw Rora was standing there and stare. I took her hand and asked, "U OK?". "Ya." Then I pull her inside the restaurant gently.
We then sit down, order our food and wait for it.

Rora's Pov
We chat again and I laughed some of the jokes. They did some romance thing but I ignore it.
"By the way Rora. I'm inviting you to our party." Lora said to me. "What party?" I asked as I was confused. "We want to celebrate our engagement so we want to invite you and it's on Saturday. Will you be able to come?" She explained it to me and asked me. "Uh...Sure! I would love to come. Can I invite my friend?" I asked. "Sure!" She said happily.
Then the food came and we eat. As I was eating, I was saddened and heartbroken again. I thought that maybe one day, me and Taeyang will be together but I guess not. I felt that my tears started to fill in my eyes but I hold back and be strong as I remembered what Mdm Lee(my doctor) told me.

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