Chapter 35 : Unforgettable Birthday

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Taeyang's Pov
I kept choosing which formal clothing should I wear tonight and I always have doubts on everything I chose. I wish I could contact Rora or even meet up with her. I really want to talk to her but I do not think she is going to listen to me right now. "Have you chose something good to wear tonight?" Lora asked as soon as she step in my bedroom and I snap out of my deep thoughts. "Still choosing." I answered her quickly. "Need any help?" She asked again. "No thanks and have you chosen what you're gonna wear tonight?" I asked her back. "Yup. I'm wearing a black dress. Maybe you can wear something in black. I'm sure it looks good on you and us." She told me. "Ok." I said it heavily.
Then, I move on to the decorations. I went to my frontyard where is big and wide. Lora was there, busy with choosing the decorations and I was terribly bored. I decided to help out with Lora.

Rora's Pov
Me and Amy started choosing our formal dresses fast since the party is going to start in the afternoon soon. Now the time is 3 p.m. and the party will start at 5 p.m. and end at 9 p.m. After an hour of finding the right dress and the right accessories to wear, we quickly put it on and also put on a light make-up. For me, an hour ago before finding a dress for myself, I have curl up my hair with the help of Amy and I think by now the curl should be turn out beautifully. "Have you dressed up?" Amy asked as soon as she is dressed up. "Um...My hair. A little help?" I asked pleadingly. "Oh...Right." She said while taking out the hair accessories out of my hair. "Wow! It's beautiful. Thanks Amy." I thanked her as soon as I saw my beautiful curl hair. "Your welcome! Now let's get ready fast. We only have like...1 and a half hour to get there!" She said it in a hurry and quicken her pace.
I fixed my hair a little and check my outfit before heading off. Then, we were in the car, ready to head off to the party.

Jiyong's Pov
After reaching at the party, I saw the whole Bigbang members were there and I am so glad that they could make it. I also saw 2NE1, Teddy, PSY and many more. Also, there were Taeyang's and Lora's parents. The last person I am looking for is Rora. I kept searching for her around the party area but she was nowhere to be found. I decided to chat with Taeyang since he is looking nervous and anxious. "What's wrong?" I asked Taeyang.

Taeyang's Pov
"I'm...worried about my parents and Lora's." I lied as I don't want Jiyong to worry about me so much. "Nah. It's ok. It's going to be fine. They will get along well." He said to make me not worried more.
I just nodded my head and let out a heavy sigh. Then, something caught my eyes. I saw Rora entering the entrance. I stop talking to Jiyong and walk towards Rora. "Rora. We need to talk." I said pleadingly. "Taeyang...Let's not ruin the mood will you." She said. "I know that Lora explained to you and that's not the truth. Amy told me what had happened." I said it firmly. "What?" She said in disbelief and look at Amy. "Haha..I'm going to just get a drink. See ya!" Amy said it in a hurry and ran off. "Let's talk inside the house." I told her and pull her hand.
To my surprise, she did not even struggle to let her hand free, instead she just let me lead the way. I shut the front door closed and locked silently. "You're trying to tell me that Lora lied to me." She said. "Yes. Cause that's not the reason why am I being with her." I said. "Explain to me in details." She said it and focused on me. "Ok. When I went to Japan, Lora called her parents and told them that she love me so desperately and wanted to marry me. She did told them that about us and all. Now, her parents are supporting her decision and remember that day when I held Lora's hand?" I said. "Ya." She replied. "I was forced to. My parents are close with her parents when they were young and to my surprise, they still contact with each other. Also they told me to do everything what Lora wants to just make her happy. I did it because of my parents not for her. I didn't text you because I was with her all the time after my rehersals and the concert. So will you forgive me?" I explained further.

Rora's Pov
After listening to Taeyang's explanation, I decided to forgave him and also I knid of believe his explanation more than Lora. Not because he is my lover and all just that it makes sense.
"Yes, I forgive you. Next time, just tell me your problems no matter what. You know I'll always help you out." I said to make him feel better. "Sorry." He apologised.
I hug him tightly and so does he. Then, we broke the hug. "Don't you know that I miss you a lot." He said while holding my hand. "And don't you think that I felt lonely without you." I said, feeling much better.
He kissed my cheek and it made me blush. "Rora." He said. "Hmm?" I said, waiting for him to say. "You know, my parents are going to announce the day of the wedding day to everyone once they decided which day to choose. It's really hard for me to make my parents and Lora's parents to know that I don't want to--" "We'll fix this together." I said, cutting him off.
I gave him a kiss and he smile brightly. "Just act naturally once we get back to the party. We don't want anybody get suspicious here." He told me and I nodded.
We went outside and chat with guests that are there. "There you are!" Amy said as soon as she saw me.
I took a sip of my drink and smile at her. "What's with that smile?" She asked curiously. "Well, if I told you, will you keep a secret?" I asked her back. "You know I will keep it a secret." She answered me. "Well, Taeyang and I made--" "Wait! I know! You guys are back together! Right?!" She said happily. "Yes and shhh!" I said it quickly. "And actually we didn't even break up. It's just arguements like any other couples will do that." I said to correct her. "Ok Rora." She said sarcastically.
Not far from where I stand, I saw Lora wave at me as if she is calling me to come over. Deep down in my heart, she is damn annoying and irritating and I do not know why I still can tolerate her. Anyways, I went to her as I want to give her my gift. "Happy birthday Lora! This is your present from me." I said it with a happy tone as if we were best friends. "Thank you." She thanked me and took it. "So why did you call me over?" I asked. "Taeyang wanted to speak to you." She told me. "And he's going to talk about marriage." She whispered happily and gave a small giggle. "Ok." I said it with a happy feeling in me and she was a little confused. "Bye then." I said goodbye to her and went to meet Taeyang.

Amy's Pov
When Rora left me, Jiyong came to see me. "Hey. Do you see Rora anywhere?" He asked me in a hurry. "Why?" I asked him back, not answering his question. "Well...Uh...Ah...I just want to talk to her." He said uncomfortably.
By sensing him, I knew there is something fishy going on and I think I know what it is. "Oh, she went to see Lora." I answered him. "Ok, thanks." He said and started to walk away. "Wait!" I call out to him and grab him by the arm. "Can I ask you something?" I asked him. "Sure." He replied. "Why are sticking to Rora these days? I noticed that you kept coming to my house and always ask for Rora." I explained. "What do you mean?" He asked, looking nervous. "Don't act like you don't know Jiyong. I know there's--" He suddenly silenced me by putting his hand over my lips. "Ok. You got me. And don't tell anyone." He said in whisper. "I knew it!" I said it in a happy tone but also in a whisper tone to him while pushing his hand away from my lips. "What if... I tell Rora.." I said it in unfinish sentence as I wanted to see his reaction. "Didn't I said not to--" "Ok ok. I get it. I'll zip my lips and I will not tell anyone. Jeez." I said it quickly before he do something else that will make me torture badly.

Taeyang's Pov
As soon as I saw Rora again, I spread a wide smile on my face. I took her hand without letting anyone noticed and lead her to the backyard. "Why are you asking me to come over?" She asked in a secretive tone. "Relax. No one is going to see us. Besides, you are the girl I really want to see badly everyday not Lora." I told her and she smile shyly. "Taeyang, are your parents are really going to get you married with Lora? Will your parents change their mind if you told them that you wanted to be with me instead of her?" She asked worriedly. "Rora, don't worry. I'll tell them and there's no way I'll marry Lora." I told her and carrassed her cheek. "Ok." She said and let out a relief sigh.

♡Hey guys! Sooo sorry if it's long for this chapter but I hope you guys like it or love it. Don't forget to vote for this chapter! Do comment anything if you're unsure about certain things and maybe I could help. :) ♡

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