Chapter 1

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"Are you sure about this, Howard?" Peggy asked him. 

"Yes, Peggy. I'm sure." Howard said. "Believe me for once. Would you?" 

Peggy sighed, "Fine. But where will we go?" 

"Well, we will go about...... almost 70 years ahead." Howard said. "I want to see what kind of technology is there in the 21st century." 

"Okay. I'll help you." Peggy said. 

"Good. Let's get started." Howard said and started preparing for their test. 

A few minutes later, Peggy asked Howards another question. "Where will go?"

"We're at my warehouse in the upstate, so probably at the same place." Howard said and threw a pair of goggles at her. "Are you ready, Carter?" 

Peggy put on the goggles and stood next to Howard on the platform of the machine. "Yes, I'm ready." 

Howard pushed some button on the machine and it started whirring and soon they were being transported to another time.



"Baby, I'm home." Steve yelled as he came out of the elevators to your and his floor at the Avengers Tower.

"Steve." You ran up to him and jumped in his arms. Steve had gone for a mission since last week and you didn't have time to talk to each other than a few texts here and there. 

"Hey, honey." Steve sighed, happy to have you back in his arms. It was the best feeling in the world. "I missed you a lot, Y/N." He whispered in your hair. 

"I missed you too, Steve. Now, kiss me." You said and brought your lips down on his. Electricity ran through your whole body when your lips met his. Just like the first time you kissed him. "You tired?" 

"Very. Just wanna go home, eat dinner and sleep with my beautiful fiance in my arms." Steve said. He had made you stay at the tower whenever he went on a mission, other than the time you worked at the tower, so he'd know you were safe. 

"Then put me down and let's go home." You said and pecked his lips as Steve set you down. 

Steve nodded, "Let's go home." Steve said. 


Howard and Peggy landed in the warehouse. Immediately alarms started to blare and J.A.R.V.I.S. voice came through the speakers. "Intruder alert. Intruder alert." 

"What the hell is that?" Howard said. 

"Maybe we're at the wrong place. Or wrong time." Peggy said. 

"No, it's looks the same." Howard said as he some of his work in the warehouse. 

"Yeah. It is." Peggy said. 

The shutter opened and Natasha and Tony ran inside with guns in their hand. "Stay right there." Natasha said. They couldn't see there faces due to the dark. 

"Who are you? What are you doing in here?" Tony asked. Hand raised to attack. 

"I should ask that question. I own this place." Howard said. 

"No. This place is mine and you're intruding." Tony said. "Turn on the lights, J." 

J.A.R.V.I.S turned the lights on. "What the fuck." Natasha cursed when she saw the faces of their so called intruders. "Tony." She looked at Tony. 

"You." Tony pointed at Howard. "You're Howard Stark." He said in disbelief. "And you're Peggy Carter.

"Yes. I am." Howard said. "What year is this?" 

"2014. Why?" Nat said. 

"See." Howard turned towards to Peggy. "Approximately 70 years ahead in time. It was successful."

"What was successful?" Tony asked. 

"Who are you if I may ask? I own this place." Howard said. 

Tony looked at Nat and nodded, "I'm Tony Stark. Your son."  

"What?!" Howard yelled. 

"I guess they've time travelled or something." Tony whispered to Nat. "They look younger than I know." 

"Yeah. Are you sure we shouldn't arrest them?" Nat said. 

"We'll see what happens." He said and turned back to them. "Come with us and we'll explain everything to you." 

"I have a son." Howard said, still in disbelief. 

"And a daughter." Tony added and walked out. 

"Come on." Nat said to them and followed Tony out of the compound. 

"Call Rogers and Y/N back. They need to know." Tony whispered to Nat. 

"They just went home, Stark. Let the have some time." Nat said. 

"I don't care. They both need to be here. I'll call them myself." 

Time Travellers ~ Steve RogersWhere stories live. Discover now