Chapter 2

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Steve groaned when he heard his phone starting to ring. You and Steve had fallen asleep straight after dinner.

Steve ignored the continuous ringing and cuddled you closer and fell asleep. But his phone kept ringing continuously. "Your phone, Steve." You mumbled in your sleep, tapping his arm that was slung around your waist.

"I know. Ignore it." Steve said.

But the ringing didn't stop.

"Pick it up." You whined. Now hitting his arm.

Steve rolled on his back and took his phone and saw the caller ID. Tony Stark. "Of course it's him calling right now." Steve said and answered the call. "What is it, Stark?"

"You and Y/N need to come back to the compound now. Something very important has happened." Tony said.

"What has happened?" Steve asked. By now you were fully awake and listening to the conversation.

"Even we don't have all the answers. We'll find them when you come here." Tony said. "Come as soon as possible. And pick up your phone at the first ring." Tony yelled and hung up.

"What did he say?" You asked.

"He wants us to come to the tower right now."


"I don't know. He said something has happened and even he doesn't have answers." Steve said.

"Then we should go." You said.

"Yeah. Come on." Steve said and you both got ready and drove back to the tower.


Everyone had gathered in the conference room and waiting for you and Steve to come.

"They should be here soon." Tony said.

"Who?" Peggy asked.

"You'll see." Tony said. A few moments later, Tony saw you and Steve hurrying inside. "I'll be right back." Tony came outside the conference room and stopped in front of you both.

"What is it, Tony?" Steve asked.

Tony explained everything that happened in the warehouse. "They said it was successful. So I guess they time travelled or something."

"Time travel? Tony are you drunk or something?" You asked.

"No. Come on." He said nodding his head towards the conference room.

You followed Tony in the conference room. You gasped when you saw your father sitting on one of the chairs. "Dada..." You whispered.

"He doesn't know." Tony whispered in your ear.

Both Howard and Peggy turned when they heard your voice. Peggy's eye darted towards Steve. "Steve? H-How? You died." She stood up from her chair along with Howard.

"It's a long story. But how are you guys here?" Steve asked. Even he was confused when he saw them.

Peggy stayed quiet while Howard explained everything to everyone in the room. She quietly observed Steve. Her heart broke when she saw him holding your hand and the diamond ring that rested on your ring finger. He had definitely moved on.

"And who are you?" Peggy asked you.

"I'm Y/N. Y/N Stark." You said. Your eyes fixed on your father who looked a lot younger than you remember.

"Yes, you did say I had a daughter in the future." Howard said to Tony.

"Is it really you, dad?" You said, tears filling your eyes.

"Y/N.." Steve rubbed the back of your hand with his thumb.

"It's him, Y/N." Tony said.

"I'm really confused. Rogers, please explain what you're doing here? I searched everywhere for you but there wasn't a trace." Howard asked.

"The plane went down in the ice. I was frozen for almost 70 years." Steve said.

"Frozen?" Peggy asked.

"Yeah. The serum kept me alive. That's why I still look the same."

"So." Tony clapped his hands together to gather everyone's attention. "Why don't we all get some rest that we have everything in the light? You two can stay here." He pointed at Howard and Peggy.

"Thanks, Tony." Nat said. "Good night." She said and left the room.

Everyone followed suit and left the room except Howard, Peggy, Tony, you and Steve. "You're really my daughter?" Howard asked.

"Yes." You said and nodded your head.

"I can't believe I've two kids." Howard said.

"Believe me. Even I was shocked." Steve said and smiled at his old friend.

"Why did you come with her, Steve?" Howard said.

"We're uh... we're engaged." Steve said and lifted your intertwined hands to show him your engagement ring.

"What?!" Howard exclaimed. "I mean I don't her very well. But she's literally the age of your daughter."

"Howard I.." Steve sighed. "I know you feel this weird... but I fell in love with her the moment I saw her. She was there with me when no one else was."

"Still, my daughter?" Howard said.

"Yes, Howard." Steve said.

"C-Can we go home, Steve?" You asked. You were on the verge of crying. But kept holding them in. Not wanting to cry in front of everyone.

Steve looked down at you. He knew by your face that you were a little uncomfortable. "Yeah. Sure." Steve said. "We'll come back tomorrow afternoon."

"Sure." Tony said. "Drive safe."

"Yeah. Good night." Steve said to everyone. "Come on, baby." You nodded and went out of the room with Steve. You started crying the moment you were inside the car. "Hey, come here." Steve pulled you closer and hugged you.

You cried until you had no tears left. "I'm fine, baby." You said, pulling away from him. "It's just, seeing him after so long..."

"I understand, hon. I feel the same." Steve said, wiping your tears with his thumb.

"I didn't even get to say goodbye to him." You sobbed and Steve wrapped his arms around you once again.

"It's okay, baby. He's here now. Spend some time with him tomorrow." Steve said.

You nodded in response and hugged him once again. "Will you be there?"

"Of course." Steve kissed your temple. "Come on. We should go. Get some sleep."

You pulled away from him as he brushed your hair out of your face. "Yeah. I need some sleep. And you."

Steve chuckled as he started driving the car, "You always have me, honey."

Time Travellers ~ Steve RogersWhere stories live. Discover now