Chapter 10

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The next morning.....

"Steve?" You said. 

"Yeah?" Steve asked as he rested his head on your chest, gently caressing your bare body with his hands and resting on your stomach. 

"Do you think Peggy is trying to make me jealous last night?" You asked him. You didn't want to say it out lond but you wanted to speak about it with Steve. 

"What?" Steve quirked his eyebrows. 

You sighed, combing your fingers through his golden locks. "Do you think she's trying to get back with you?" You said. Straight out. 

"Baby..." Steve sighed and looked up at you. "Why are you saying that?" 

"I mean.... the way she danced with you, the way she came close to you. You said you told her not to but she didn't back off, right?" You asked and Steve hummed in response. "You may not know but when you went to dance with her, you had your back to me but she gave me a look like she was challenging me and she had won." 

"When? I didn't see it." Steve said. God he was so innocent. 

"You had your back to me, Steve." You said and smiled at him. 

"Are you saying she's trying to you know..... break us?" Steve shrugged. 

"I don't know. I just got that vibe from her." You said. 

"You know I would never do this to you, baby." Steve said. 

"I know, baby. I trust you." You said and giggled as Steve leaned in for a kiss. 

"Then don't worry about it." Steve said after pullinh away. "Next time tell me if you feel like it." Steve said and kissed you again. 

You moaned in the kiss as it escalated and you could feel his hard length poking your outer thigh. "Steve." You whimpered. "I'm  still sore from last night."

Steve chuckled and kissed your cheek, "I know, honey." He stretched his body and got up. "I'm gonna go shower." 

"Wake me up after you're done." You said. 

Steve nodded in response and kissed your stomach twice and then your forehead. "We have  to meet for breakfast upstairs." 

"I know. So hurry." You said. 

"Yes ma'am." 


"How many are there?" Steve asked as he sipped his morning cup of coffee while looking over the hologram Tony was showing him and Clint. You and the three of them were the only ones up at that time.

"I've pinpointed two. The third might be here." Tony said and moved his hand over the map, showing a location away from the first two. "I'm not sure about it yet."

"Okay. We can start with these two first. But let's wait till the whole team is here to start." Steve said. 

"Yeah." Clint said as he laid his head down on the kitchen island. 

"You okay, Clint?" You asked. 

"Yup. Just hungover." Clint said, "Even this isn't helping." He gestered to his empty coffee cup. 

"Go and get some sleep, Barton." Steve chuckled. 

"Thanks. Call me before the meeting." Clint said and took his leave. 

"So." Tony began as he came to sit next to you. "You enjoyed the party yesterday, sweetheart?" Tony asked you. 

"I did. It was good." You said. 

"Well, it should be. I planned it after all." Tony said and put his arm on the back of your chair. "Are you okay? You guys left after the countdown." 

"Yeah. I wasn't feeling great and me feet were paining because of the heels." You said. 

"Those two troubing you inside?" Tony said and put his hand on your stomach. 

"No. Just nauseous." You said. 

"Wait. Is that coffee?" Tony asked and took your cup. "You're pregnant. You can't drink coffee." 

"It's decaf, Tony." Steve chuckled and took your cup from him and handed it back to you. "She's allowed to have decaf."  

Tony nodded, "Okay. But no caffine." 

"Yes, Tony." You said and kissed his cheek. 

"Good." Tony said. 

"How long will you guys be gone?" You asked. 

"Don't know, baby. We still have to discuss it." Steve said and sat in front of you. 

"Good morning." Peggy said as she came in the kitchen along with Howard. 

"Where's everyone else?" Howard said. 

"Asleep or hungover." Steve said. "Breakfast is ready. Help yourselves." 

"Sure." Howard said as he made him a plate and Peggy did the same. 

Peggy and Howard sat down at the table. Much to Steve's dismay Peggy sat next to him. "You look good in modern clothes, Peggy." 

She smiled at you, "Thanks. Nat helped me." 

"What's that?" Howard said, poiting at the hologram map. 

"Work stuff." Steve said. 

"You're starting work right after?" Howard asked. 

"We didn't plan to. It just came up." Steve said. 

"That sucks." Howard said. "I would have loved to stay in bed after a party like that." 

"I know." Steve nodded in agreement, giving you a knowing look. "But you gotta do the work." 

"You have to." Peggy said. 

"Of course you'd agree, Peg." Howard said. "You didn't take a leave after Pearl Harbour. I was surprised when you took extended leave to stay in LA." Howard wiggled his eyebrows at her.

"LA?" Steve asked. "I thought the SSR office was in New York." 

"Yeah. I went there for a case and it got complicated. But my boss wouldn't let me stay so I took some leave." Peggy explained. Obviously lying.

"Wait. I thought you took leave so you could spend-" Howard said.

"I just wanted to finish the case Howard. You were there with me." Peggy interrupted him. Not wanting Steve to know about Daniel.

"Yeah." Howard chuckled, "Had to sacrifice my flying car." 

"Your flying car?" Steve asked. "You completed it?" 

"I did. It was the only one and I had to let it go." Howard shook his head dramatically. 

"Stop crying, Howard." Peggy said. 

"Yeah. Yeah." Howard waved her off. 

You laughed but stopped as you felt nauseous. "I'm gonna go use the bathroom." You said and got up, running to the closest bathroom. 

"She okay?" Peggy asked. 

"Yeah. Morning sickness." Steve said and got up, "I'm gonna go check on her." 

Time Travellers ~ Steve RogersWhere stories live. Discover now