Chapter 9

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You heard Steve groan as he entered the bathroom to see you in a blue off shoulder dress. You were sitting at the vanity putting on some light make up. "God, baby. You look..." Steve couldn't find words to describe how you looked.

"Come on, it's not the first time you've seen me in dresses like this." You said as Steve walked towards you.

"I know. But everytime I see you, you're more beautiful than before." Steve said as he leaned down and kissed your bare shoulder. "But I can't wait to see it on the floor." He whispered in your ear.

"Steve..." You moaned. "Are you ready yet?"

"Yeah." Steve said as he stood up and showed you the denim shirt he wore.

"You look handsome." You said as you put the lipstick down and stood up.

"And you look beautiful." Steve said as he wrapped his arms aroud your waist, yours going around his neck.

"Stop." You chuckled. "Let's go."

"Why don't we stay here? We don't have to go upstairs." Steve said, burying his face in your neck and leaving wet kisses.

"Steve, I promise we will. But after we come back." You said as you lightly push him away.

"You sure?" Steve asked.

"Yes, now let's go." You said and took his hand that offered, hooking it with his elbow.

"Yes, ma'am."


The party was very lively. Of course, Tony doesn't spare any expense when it comes to parties. But this time he only invited a few people.

"Hey, Steve." Sam said as he approached him and Clint playing at the pool table.

"Sam." Steve said and hugged him. "How areyou doing?"

"I'm good. Still looking for our old friend." Sam said.

"You got anything?" Steve said as he waited for his turn.

"Nah. Another dead end. That's why I didn't tell ya." Sam said. "How's Y/N?"

"She'e good." Steve said as he took his shot, missing by an inch.

"Yeah. Why ain't she drinking? She goes full on drinking at a party like this." Sam said.

"Uh.... yeah. She's pregnant." Steve said.

"What? Congratulations, man." Sam said as he patted Steve on the back.

"Thanks." Steve said and groaned as he saw Clint once again hitting the perfect shot. "This was a bad idea. You always win."

"Yeah yeah. You can't play nice, Rogers. Except it." Clint teased.

"Next time I am not playing with you at all." Steve said and laughed along with Clint as he was defeated.

"Steve." He heard Peggy's voice.

"Peggy. Hey." Steve turned around and looked at her. She was wearing a thigh high red dress. A modern one. She was looking good but Steve had eyes only for his girl. "How are you?"

"I'm good." She said, "You look very nice in that."

Steve shrugged, "Thanks." He said and looked at Sam who was looking at them awkwardly. "Oh, sorry. Peggy this is Sam. Sam, Peggy. I told you right." Steve said as he introduced them.

"Hello, Sam. Nice to meet you." Peggy said as she shook hands with him.

"I heard a lot about you." Sam said.

"From Steve?" Peggy asked. Expecting to him to say yes.

"Nah. There's a floor on the Smithsonian, dedicated to war. I read there about you." Sam said.

"Oh. That's nice." Peggy said, not wanting to show the disappointment.

"Yeah. I visited it a few times."

"You live there?" Peggy asked.

"In DC." Sam said, "Just a little away from my place."

"Mmhmm." She said and turned to Steve. "Can I have a dance with you? They're playing something slow."

Steve looked at her a little confused. Not knowing what to do. "Uh... sure." Steve said and looked at Sam. "We'll talk later."

"Yeah. See ya."

Steve nodded and walked towards the dance floor with Peggy. They stood in the crowd as the song changed. Peggy put her hand on Steve's shoulder and the other in Steve's. Steve politely put his hand on her back and started moving to the music.

Peggy looked over Steve's shoulder and saw you looking at them. She wanted to make you jealous and by the looks on your face it wasn't working. So she stepped closer to Steve. Her body touching his. "Peggy." Steve said. Steve became uncomfortable by the way Peggy was coming so close. He just wished you didn't see this. "What are you doing?"

"Just dance, Steve." Peggy said and moved her hand to Steve's neck. Steve shook his head but continued to dance with her.

Fortunately for Steve the song ended and he excused himself from Peggy, "I'll be right back." Steve felt uneasy by the way Peggy was so close to him. He went outside in the balcony to get some fresh air. Steve looked out at the New York skyline. It looked beautiful as the snow fell from the sky. Steve felt a hand on his arm and turned to see you smiling at him. "Honey. You enjoying the night?" Steve asked.

"Yes. Jusr can't get drunk." You said as Steve wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you closer to him. You could see that he was uneasy. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." Steve shook his head.

"I saw you with Peggy. Did she say something to you?" You asked.

"Y-You saw? Baby, I'm sorry. She wanted to dance, so I went but she kept coming close. I didn't like it." Steve rambled. "I swear, baby. I'm sorry."

You chuckled at his rambling. You put a finger on his lips and shushed him, "It's fine. I understand."

"Thank God. I thought you'd be mad." Steve chuckled.

"Why would I be? You were just dancing, right?" You asked and Steve nodded. "Then don't sweat yourself. It's okay." You assured him and heard the countdown starting. "Let's go back downstairs with everyone."

"Come on." Steve took your hand and led you downstairs where everyone was waiting and counting.




"Happy New Year, honey." Steve said and leaned forward.

"Happy New Year, Steve." You said and Steve crashed his lips on yours.

"Wanna go downstairs and celebrate?" Steve whispered in your ear.

"Yes. Captain." You said and smirked as Steve pulled you away from the crowd and towards the stairs.

Peggy stood with Howard as she watched Steve kiss you at the end of the countdown. She could see him whispering something in your ear and then walking away with you. Peggy never felt so jealous. If Steve didn't crash the plane then it would have been her in your place. And that's what she'd wanted. She wanted Steve all to herself. And she would do anything to have him.


Peggy will try to do something.

Do you think she'll succeed?

Time Travellers ~ Steve RogersWhere stories live. Discover now