Chapter 16

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One week and still Steve hadn't woken up. You were by his side all the time. You only left the room once for some time because you had to go for your doctor's appointment. Other than that you were by Steve's side. Sometimes you fell asleep on the chair or on the small couch in the room. Most of Steve's wounds had been healing. He was still in a coma. 

"Hey, baby." You said as you woke up and looked at Steve. Still asleep. You sighed and walked over to him and kissed his cheek. "Good morning." You pulled away and moved towards the moniters connected to him. His heart beats and vitals were all looking good. "You're doing good, Steve. You're wounds are healing. All you need to do is open those blue eyes and wake up. Please." You said, taking deep breaths to hold back your tears. "I went to the appointment yesterday. The doctor said that the babies are perfectly fine and are growing nicely. We can know the gender in a few weeks time. I mean only if you want to." You spoke to him, knowing you won't get a response. You sighed and got up from the bed, "I'm gonna go get fresh. See you later. Bye." You kissed his cheek again and went in the joint bathroom to get fresh. 


Tony made a plate for him and you. He knew you weren't eating and looking after yourself even though you said you were. He put the pancakes on your plate and poured the syrup when he heard Peggy coming behind him. "Good morning, Tony." 

"Hey, good morning." Tony said, turning to look at her. 

"What are you doing?" 

"Just making a plate for Y/N and me. I'm gonna have breakfast with her today." Tony said. "You need anything?" 

"No. I'm fine." Peggy said, "Is Y/N not coming here?" 

"Nope. She won't until Steve wakes up. And even if he does she'll be there with him. She' as stubborn as me." Tony said. 

"So you always take breakfast for her?" 

"Sometimes. She comes here if she wants anything." Tony said, "Anyway, I should go and check on her. See you later." Tony took both the plates and walked out of the kitchen and towards the hospital wing where you were staying. He pushed the door open with his shoulder and entered. 

Godd morning, sweetheart. Come on, I got breakfast." Tony said and looked around the room. "Y/N." He called out. No amswer. Tony out the plates down on the small table in front of the couch and knocked on the bathroom door. "Y/N, you in there?"  

Tony got no response after knocking for about a minute, "Okay. I'm coming inside. I don't care if you're decent enough." Tony said and opened the door. "Y/N. No." He screamed when he saw you lying on the floor, "Hey, get up. Y/N." Tony took you in his arms and taped your cheek. "Get up, sweetheart."  

Tony groaned loudly, "J.A.R.V.I.S.?"

"Yes, sir?" He answered. 

"Call an ambulance. Y/N needs help." He said, "It's an emergency." 

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