Chapter 3

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"What's that?" Steve asked as he sat down next to you.

"It's an album." You said and opened it. "It has all the photos of me, Tony and our parents." 

"That's a cute one." He said, pointing at a photo that showed Tony holding a baby you in his arms. 

"Yeah. It's Tony's favourite. He has one copy as well." 

"How old were you?" Steve asked. 

"Just a few hours." You said. 

"You look so good." Steve said, putting an arm around your shoulders as you showed him more photos. 

"I want to show it to dada? Is that okay?" You asked him. 

"Maybe we should wait a little." Steve said. "I know you want to talk to him a lot, but be careful when you do, okay?" 

"Yes, I think I should." You said, "Ready to go?" 

"Yes, come on." Steve said and got up, offering you his hand to get up as well. You put the album back in it's place and got your coat from the closet as well as Steve's and handed it to him.

"I'm driving." You said as you took the keys and ran outside the door. 

"Oh no, you're not." Steve chuckled and ran after you. You were almost at the car when Steve's arms wrapped around you lifted you up. "Caught you." 

"No, it's not fair." You whined. "I don't have your speed." 

"You had a head start." Steve said, putting you down on the ground. "Now, the keys." He put his hand up. 

"Um.. no." You said and pushed him away and ran towards the car and opened it but once again, Steve pulled you away and sat in the driver seat. 

"I won." Steve said. 

"I hate you." You said, climbing into the other seat. 

"Nope, you love me." Steve said as he leaned towards you and kissed you passionately. 

"Come on, let's go, Steve." You said after pulling away. 

"One more." Steve said, "It'll feel awkward to kiss in front of Howard." Steve chuckled. 

"Yeah." You said and crashed your lips against his. "Now, drive, Captain." You said. 

"Do that again and we'll be staying in bed all day." Steve said, you could see the darkness in his eyes. 

"I don't mind. Maybe you could do that whole BDSM thing you wanted to try." You said. 

Steve growled and shook his head, "When we come back home we will." He said and started the car. 


"Hey, Tony." You said as you saw him sitting in the common room with Nat and Bruce. "Hey guys." You greeted them as well.

"Hey, sweetheart. How are you?" Tony asked as he hugged you. 

"I'm good. You?"

"I'm great." Tony said, "A little shocked but okay." 

"Have you told Pepper?" You asked. 

"I tried calling her but she's still mad at me." Tony said. 

"She has every right to, Tony. You were going on a date after three months and you were late." You said, hitting him in his chest. "Who the heck does that?" 

"I know I'm sorry." Tony said, "I'll make it up to her. Happy?" 

"Yes, where's dada?" You asked. 

"In his room. Why?" 

"Just asked." You said. 

"Okay. Hey, I wanted  ask you guys something." Tony said.

"What?" Steve asked, coming to your side after having a glass of water. 

"I think you should stay at the tower till they're here. It would be comfortable for them if they have someone they know near them." Tony said and pointed at Steve. 

"I don't know, Tony." Steve said, "What do you think?" 

"I think it's a good idea. Maybe you can help them a little." You said. 

"Okay. We'll stay then." Steve said, "Where are they staying?" 

"Dad's staying with me. And Peggy is staying with Nat in a spare room of hers." Tony said. 

Steve sighed, "Okay. No problem. We'll get some clothes and come back till evening. How does that sound?" He asked you. 

"Sounds great." You said, "We should get going." 

"You're not staying?" Nat asked. 

"No, we should really go, Nat." Steve said. 

"Stay for lunch." Tony insisted. 

"No, Tony. It's fine. We should go, really." You said, and gave him a hug. "Bye. See ya tomorrow." 

"Sure, bye." Tony said, waving you a goodbye as you walked towards the elevator. You pushed the button.

"We have clothes here, Steve. What more do you want?" You said as you waited for the elevator. 

"The clothes we have here are the regular ones. We need more because winter's coming and you always get sick." Steve said, wrapping his arms around you from behind. 

"Oh, so you're saying we just have to pack your hoodies and sweaters. Fine with me." You said. 

"Why do you wear my clothes when it's cold? I don't understand." Steve said. 

"Because they're big and cozy and warm." You said, "Just like you." 

"Oh, baby. You have me all to yourself to keep you warm." He said and kissed your neck. 

"I'd love that very much." You said. 

"Of course you would." Steve teased, his face nuzzled in your neck. 

But before you could reply the elevator doors opened and you saw Howard and Peggy coming out. Steve cleared his throat and backed away from you. 

 "Oh, hello." Howard said. 

"Howard, Peggy." Steve greeted them with a nod. 

"How long have you been here?" Howard asked. 

"Oh just a few minutes. Tony wanted to talk so we came. We're going home now but we'll be back soon." Steve said. 

"Why are you going?" Peggy asked. 

"Oh we'll be staying here till you are here. So we need some warm clothes for winter." You said. 

"You don't have any clothes here?" 

"Not much. We stay here only during work." Steve said. 

"When will you be back?" She asked. 

"Evening. We need to pack and have lunch as well." Steve said. 

"Okay. Could we maybe talk when you come back?" Howard asked. 

"Sure. No problem. You can come down to our floor if you want." Steve said. 

"Sounds good." Howard said. 

"Yeah. We should get going." Steve said. shaking hands with Howard as you stepped in the elevator and left.

Time Travellers ~ Steve RogersWhere stories live. Discover now