Chapter 28

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Three months later.....

"The kids asleep?" Steve asked as you came in the bedroom.

"Yeah." You said and flopped down on the bed.

Steve put down his book and turned his attention towards you. "How are you feeling?" Steve asked.

"Good. What about you? Last day of holiday." You said, now sitting next to him.

"Uh, don't remind me please." Steve groaned.

"Aw, it's gonna be alright." You said.

"I don't want to leave you guys." Steve sighed.

"Steve..." You sighed, "It'll be okay. Aren't you excited to go back to work?"

"I am. But I want to stay home with you and the kids." Steve said.

"We can come with you tomorrow if you want." You said.

"I'd love that." Steve smiled at you. You smiled back and kissed him. Steve gasped in the kiss as you climbed in his lap. "Baby.... are you sure?"

"Yes, please. I want you." You said and kissed him again. Your hands went to his t- shirt and pulled at it. "Take it off." You said to him.

"Yes, baby." He whispered and took off his t- shirt and then did the same with yours. You started kissing his neck as Steve flipped you on your back and pinned your arms above your head. "Are you ready?"

"Yes." You said and Steve smashed his lips against yours He lined himself against your core and thrusted in. "Fuck, Steve."

Steve growled and his hand gently squeezed your throat, "That's not my name is it baby?"

"S-Sorry, Captain." You whimpered and moaned loudly.

"Good girl." He hummed and moved inside you. "Fuck, you're still so tight, honey."

"I'm close, Captain." You said, feeling the coil tighten in your stomach.

Steve's hand went down and rubbed your clit, "Let go, baby. Let go." You moaned loudly as you came around Steve which led to his orgasm. "Fuck, that felt so good, honey."

"I know." You nodded and whimpered when Steve pulled out of you.

"Stay here. I'll clean you up." Steve aiad, making his way to the bathroom. He cleaned the both of you and your phone started to ring.

"Who is it?" You asked.

"It's Nat." Steve said, handing you the phone

"Hello?" You said.

"Y/N. You need to come to the tower ASAP. Tony's injured and said he wants you." Nat said.

"What happened?" You asked bending down to pick up your shirt.

"Well, as usual he was flying and he was hit by a missile. He isn't hurt much because the suit took most of the impact. But he said he wants you to treat him and no one else." Nat said.

"O-Okay. We'll be there soon." You said and hung up. You turned to look at Steve who now was lying on his back, "Tony's hurt."

"Is he okay?" Steve asked.

"I don't know. But we have to go." You said.

Steve sighed and got up, "Okay. Let's go. You go get dressed. I'll see to the kids. Hmm?"

"Sure." You said and looked down at your phone, "Well, it's about time they wake up for their feed."

"I'll go in a few minutes after they wake up." Steve said, "I'll get their bottles so you don't have to worry. Okay?"

"Yeah. You're the best, baby." You said and pecked his lips.

"No. You are the best." Steve said and pulled you close. "How about another round later?"

"Sure." You smirked at him and chuckled when Steve groaned, hearing your babies crying through the baby monitor, "They're up, dada."

"Yeah. I'll go. You get dressed and then tell me." Steve said and went to get your babies ready to go to the Tower.


"OW." Tony yelled as you cleaned one of his wounds with alcohol wipes. You had stitched some of his wounds but the one of his face were small and just needed to be cleaned and bandaged.

"Stop crying." You said, hitting his arm and blew on the wound to soothe the stinging.

"It hurts." He cried.

"I know. It will sting a bit but it's fine. So stop crying like a baby." You said and put a bandage on it. "There." You sighed, "Done."

"Thanks, sweetheart." Tony smiled at you and got up from the bed, "You staying over tonight?"

"Yeah." You said. "Here. Take these for the pain." You said, handing him some pain killers. "And sleep. Okay? If I see you working on the suit. I'll come up there and beat your ass."

"Yes, ma'am." Tony smiled and saluted you, "Can I go now?"

"Yes." You said and hugged him, "Please be careful next time." You said, tears brimming in your eyes.

"Hey, it's okay. I'm fine." Tony said, rubbing your back.

"I was so worried about you." You said.

"I'm sorry, sweetheart. I didn't mean to worry you." Tony said.

"I know." You said and pulled away. "Now go and get some rest."

"You too. Oh and I'm having a party this Friday. Please come." Tony said.

"We'll see." You said.

"Okay. I want you there. It's a welcome back party for Cap." Tony said.

"Thanks Tony. I'll talk to Steve and let you know." You said and yawned, "I'm gonna go sleep. Good night." You kissed his cheek.

"Oh and Y/N. If you and Steve ever want to go on a date. I'm okay to babysit my niece and nephew." Tony said.

"Okay. I'll tell you if we want to." You said, "Now let me go sleep."

"Yeah, sure." Tony said, "Tell Rogers I said hi."

"Sure. Bye." You said and went back to your floor.

"Hey." Steve said as he got up from the couch and greeted you. "How's Tony?" He hadn't come up to the med bay as he had to look at Abi and Ari.

"Good. Just a few stitches. You know he's a cry baby." You said. "It's alright. His suit took most of the impact."

"Good. You wanna come to bed?" Steve whispered, pulling you closer.

You smirked, wrapping your arms around his neck, "Yes, please."

"You won't be leaving the bed till I tell you. Understand?"

"Yes, captain." You said. "What about the kids?" You asked as he picked you up and carried you to your bedroom. 

"I'll take care of them, don't worry." Steve said. 

"But-" You were cut off as Steve silenced you with a kiss. 

"No more kids talk. It's just you and me." He said and put you down on the ground and undid his belt, getting out of his pants and throwing them away, "Now...." He sighed. "On your knees for me, honey....." 

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