Chapter 35

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A few days later.....

"When do you think we should tell them?" Tony asked Howard.

"Don't know." Howard sighed, "I was thinking we should wait till Y/N is able to walk."

"It's your choice." Tony sighed. "If you want I can tell them."

"No. It's fine. I will do it." Howard said. "I'm gonna go talk to them."

"You're doing it now?" Tony asked.

"No. Just going to see her." Howard said and walked towards the elevator, making his way to your and Steve's floor. He stepped out and groaned as he saw the two of you kissing at the kitchen counter. "Can you guys ever stop?"

Steve pulled away from you and looked over your shoulded at Howard, "No." He pecked your lips once more before stepping away from you. "How are you?"

"I'm good. Just came to see how you were." Howard said, sitting next to you on the stool.

"I'm fine." You said. "Can't wait to be able to walk though." You sighed.

"It'll be soon." Howard said.

Steve handed you a cup of coffee which you were making before Steve distracted you with a make out session and gave one to Howard as well. "Hey, have you seen Buck? I was looking for him earlier." Steve said.

"Nope. No idea where he is." Hiaard shook his head. "I was in the lab all day."

"You guys really need to take a break." You said, "Was he always working during thr war?" You asked Steve.

"Yeah." Steve nodded. "He made my suit within 24 hours."

"What?" You looked at your father in shock.

"He was in desperate need of it." Howard pointed at Steve. "Plus, I had nothing else to do."

"You and Tony are so similar. No wonder me and Pepper had to pull him out almost everyday." You said.

"See, this is why I amd hesitant to have kids. They're gonna turn out like me." Howard said.

"We're not exactly like you." You laughed. "We have a few qualities of mom too."

"Like what?" Howard asked, desperate to know about his future wife.

"No. I'm not saying anything." You shook your head. Steve had already warned you that Howard was asking everyone about your mother.

"Just one small hint." He said.

"No." You said.


"No, dad. Stop it." You laughed.


Two weeks later.....

"Hey, you called?" You looked at everyone as you and Steve came up in the common floor where everyone was present. Even Peggy.

"Yeah" Tony nodded. "We wanted to wait after you wedding but somethings happened and it got delayed."

"What got delayed?" Steve asked.

"The machine is ready." Howard said. "We wanted to tell you when you came back."

"You're leaving." You said.

"Yes, Y/N." Howard said. "We leave tomorrow."

You knew this day was going to come soon. But you didn't want him to leave. "O-Okay." You sighed. "When?"

"Early morning." He said.

You just nodded in response, "Alright." You said. "Maybe we can have dinner tonight?"

"Sure, Y/N." Howard said.

"You too, Tony. I want you too." You said and turned to look at Steve. "Can you help me?"

"Sure." Steve said and helped you to go back down stairs. Even though you could walk, you needed someone's help. "Hey, you okay?" Steve asked as he helped you to sit down on the bed.

"Yeah. I'm fine." You said. "I knew this was going to happen."

"Yeah. But I'm happy he was there during our happy moments." Steve said.

"Of course." You smiled, "I am happy he was able to be here."

"Okay." Steve sighed, "I'm gonna go start making dinner. Should I invite Buck as well?"

"Sure." You nodded.

"I'll go see where he is." Steve said.


"Hey, Bucky. Where are you?" Steve called our in the common floor. Bucky wasn't in his room so Steve was back up there to check. "Bucky!" Steve made hia way to the balcony and froze in his place as he saw hus best friend kissing Natasha. "What the hell?" He whispered and just stood there watching. A few seconds later, Steve cleared his throat, causing them to pull away from each other.

"Hey, punk." Bucky gave him a cheeky smile. "Hi."

"Yeah. Hi." Steve smirked at his best friend. "You finally asked her?"

"Yeah. Can we talk?" Bucky asked.

"Of course." Steve said, making his way in the balcony. "What is it?"

"Just don't tell this to anyone, Rogers." Nat said.

"Yes, Nat. I won't." Steve said.

"We just talked about it. We want to see where it goes." Bucky said.

"I get it, Buck." Steve said and chuckled. "Anyways. I wanted to ask if you'd come to dinner tonight?"

"Yeah." Bucky nodded.

"Okay then." Steve said and left the couple alone in the balcony.

Time Travellers ~ Steve RogersWhere stories live. Discover now