Chapter 19

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You woke up after your nap and took a shower to get fresh. She changed into one of Steve's sweatshirt as it was still a little cold. His smell instantly surrounded her. She wanted to go and meet Steve. So she got ready and went downstairs to the med-bay and made a bee-line to Steve's room. 

But what you saw shocked you to your core. Steve was hugging Peggy and crying on her shoulder. You moved away from the door and listened as Steve talked to her. "What did I do wrong?" He said. 

"You did nothing, Steve." Peggy said. You moved slightly to see them. She was rubbing his back as he cried. 

"Then why did she do this? Was I not enough?" Steve cried. You did what? What was he talking about? Most importantly why was he crying? "This is all my fault, Peggy. I should've seen it coming." 

"No, Steve. It's not. Y/N did this. She cheated on you." Peggy said as she moved away and cupped his face. "It's not your fault. All you did was love her." 

"Then why would she do this?" Steve whispered as he looked at Peggy. 

"I don't know, Steve. You'll have to ask her when she comes back." Peggy said. 

Come back? What the fuck is she saying? 

"Peggy....I.." Steve looked very distraught, like something had destroyed his whole world. 

"No. Don't blame yourself." Peggy shook her head. 

Steve looked down for a second and then looked back at Peggy, he looked at her eyes and then his eyes slightly went down to her lips. The next few moments went in slow motion for you. You heart clenched as you saw the love of your life kissing Peggy. You gasped and covered your mouth to not make them aware of you being there.

But Steve heard and pulled away from Peggy. He turned around and saw you looking at them through the glass. Tears stained your cheeks. "Y/N..." Steve whispered. Peggy to now looked at you as well. Her face turned in a scowl but she quickly changed it into a shocked one. 

You didn't know what to do. So you wiped your tears and walked away. You went straight to Tony's floor, seeing Howard reading a book while sitting on the couch. "Y/N. What's wrong? Why are you crying?" He said and stood up. You said nothing instead you hugged him and cried. "Shh. It's alright. Calm down." He shushed you. You soon calmed down and pulled away. "What happened?" 

"Steve..... he....." You hiccupped. "He kissed Peggy." 

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