Chapter 24

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"Hey, Steve." Howard said as he came in the lab where Steve was talking with Tony about what happened. "You talked to her?"

"Yeah." Steve smiled, "She's giving me a chance, I won't mess up this time."

"Good. And if you do I'll send the legionnaire after you." Tony said.

"You don't need to do that." Steve assured him. "We're going back to our house. Work it out."

"What? You guys can stay here." Tony said.

"No, Tony. It's better of we stay together right now. I don't want interruptions. I want make up for the lost time." Steve said. "I just want to take care of her."

"Okay. Fine." Tony said.

"Steve, can I talk to you?" Howard said.

"Yeah, sure." Steve and went to the balcony with Howard. "What do you wanna talk about?"

"I wanted to tell you something."

"Go on." Steve said,

"Peggy's dating someone. Back in our time." Howard explained. "She's dating Daniel Souza. That's why she took extended leave after completing the case."

"What? But she said-"

"You really believe her, don't you?" Howard asked. "I told you they're dating for the last year. He's even planning on proposing her."

"What? Then why would she.....?" Steve trailed off.

"You've become so dumb. Can't you see she's trying to destroy your relationship?!"

"What?" Steve asked dumbfoundedly.

"Yes, Steve. I knew something was wrong when she lied about not being with someone." Howard said, "She loves Daniel very much. She moved on from you. But I guess those feelings came back when she saw you."

Steve sighed, "I.....I trusted her."

"Not your fault. She took advantage of your trust." Howard said, putting a hand on Steve's shoulder.

"I'm sorry." He said.

"I know. You should make it up to Y/N now." Howard said, "That's more important."

"I know. We're going to go back home." Steve said. "I'll be here as much as I can."

"No. Spend time with her."

Steve smiled at him, "Okay. I'm gonna head to bed. Gotta clean the house tomorrow."

"Sure. Good night." Howard said.

"Good night."


"Steve." Peggy said, making a sad face as she hugged him the moment he stepped out of the elevator. Steve stood in place as she hugged him, "Where were you?"

"Work." Steve said and pushed her away. Steve looked at her for a moment before he walked towards the kitchen to grab a glass of water. "What are you doing here?"

"I was looking for you. You didn't talk to me for a week." Peggy said.

Steve sighed loudly, he didn't want to talk to her. "Go and sleep. I'm tired."

"Tell me where you were?!" Peggy almost yelled.

"Peggy...." Steve began but stopped. He wanted to rest so he could go and clean the house and spent the entire day with you.

Fuck it.

He was going to do it.

"....Why'd you lie to me?" Steve said.

"What? Why would I lie to you?" Peggy asked.

"You lied to me about Y/N. I know everything." Steve said and drank the glass of water.


"Stop it, okay? I know you lied to me. You lied to me that Y/N and Jack are dating." Steve yelled.

"No, Steve. I-I would never lie to you." Peggy said and stepped towards him, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"No." Steve said, pushing her hand away, "I know you lied. I've seen the footage. I saw her sitting in that that chair for hours. She didn't sleep. She didn't eat. She never left me. It was only one time and it was a valid reason." Steve was fuming, "You took advantage of her being in the hospital and lied to me. You took advantage of my trust. I trusted you, Peggy. I had a perfect life. I was going to marry her and you ruined it. You ruined my life."

"I love you, Steve. Please." Peggy said, practically begging.

"Oh yeah?" Steve scoffed, "If you really loved me you wouldn't have done it. Yes, there was a time when I was in love with you. But not anymore."

"Steve...." Peggy whispered as she cried.

"Get out, Peggy. Don't show me your face ever again. You know the way out." He said and walked to the bedroom, closing the door behind him.


"All cleaned. Everything is in the pantry as well." Steve said as he sat down in front you on his knees, hands on your belly. "How are you feeling?"

"Good. But my feet hurt like hell." You said.

"Lie down, baby." Steve said and helped you in a sleeping position. He got up and sat on the couch on the other end and took your feet in his hands and began to massage them. Steve smiled to himself as you closed your eyes and moaned out. "Feeling good?"


"I have made my decision." Steve said, his hands working perfectly on your feet.

"What?" You looked at him.

"About finding the gender. Maybe we should do it." He said.

"Okay then. I was so confused." You said.

"It's alright." He said and brought you leg up to his face and kissed it lightly. "When can we go?" He asked, moving to your other foot.

"The next appointment." You said.

"Okay. Maybe we can start shopping and make the nursery." Steve said. "I was thinking maybe we can paint it grey or green? What do you think?"

You smiled at him. He really was excited about it. "I think grey is better."

"We can buy clothes and all those cute little shoes and hand gloves for them." Steve said.

"Yes, Steve. Calm down. We have time." You said.

"I know." Steve said and kissed your foot like he did before and stopped massaging, "I'm just excited. We're gonna be parents." He smiled but then it turned into a frown. A deep and sad one, "Do you think I'll be a good father?"

"Steve." You said and sat up. "You'll be the best father they can ask for. I know it. I doubt that I will be the good mother to them."

"Hey, you'll be great." Steve assured you. "I just don't want them to think there father isn't home due to work."

"They won't. They'll be smart enough to know your work." You said and kissed his cheek.

"Yeah. They'll be as smart as you." Steve said.

"And handsome as there dada." You said.

"Yeah." Steve chuckled. "Come on. You hungry?"

"Yeah." You said.

"What' do you want?"

"Can you make the special spaghetti you make? I love it." You asked him.

"Sure, baby. Anything you want."

Time Travellers ~ Steve RogersWhere stories live. Discover now