Chapter 36

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The next morning.....

You sighed as you stepped inside Nat's floor instantly spotting her on the couch watching a movie. "Hey, Nat."

"Y/N. What are you doing here?" She said.

"I wanted to talk to Peggy. Is she in her room?" You asked.

She gave you a confused look, "You want to talk to her?"

"Yeah." You said.

"She's in her room."  Nat said. "Just in case you murder her. Call me to help you hide the body."

"There's no need for that. But thank you." You said, making your way towards Peggy's room. You knocked on the door and opened it. "Hey, Peggy. Can I come in?"

"Y/N. C-Come in." She said. "What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to make amends with you." You said.

"But why?" Peggy asked.

"You may not know but you are an important person in Steve's life. Someone he can go and talk to without hesitation." You said. "You are the only person still alive from his past and it matters a lot to him. I don't want to ruin that. I thought if you are leaving we should do that on a good note."

"Does he still talk to the 'now' me?" Peggy asked.

"Yes." You said. "He tells her everything."

"I am the one who ruined that. Not you." Peggy said, stepping towards you. "I'm sorry for what I caused. I thought I had moved on from Steve but those feelings came back when I saw him again." She sighed, "It was never my intention to hurt him."

"It's alright, Peggy. I am happy that I got a chance to get to know you in a different way." You said, giving her a small smile.

"Thank you, Y/N." Peggy said and hugged you. "You do deserve a man like Steve."

"You're welcome." You said. "Are you ready to go back home?"

"Yeah." She nodded. "This trip was a nice little holiday."

"You should take time off more often." You said.

"Maybe I should." Peggy shrugged her shoulders. "Can you tell Steve that I'm sorry?"

"Sure." You said.

"Dr. Rogers. Capt. Rogers is looking for you." J.A.R.V.I.S. said.

"Tell him I'll be up there in a minute." You said.

"Come on. Let's go before he sends a search party." Peggy said. The both of you going upstairs to the lab.


"Hey, there you are." Steve walked towards you with Abi in his arms but stopped when he saw Peggy. He raised his eyebrows at you in question.

"It's fine. We talked. We're good." You said to him.

He looked back at Peggy and let out a sigh. "Okay. Ari is a little upset. Maybe he wants his mama."

"Where is he?" You asked.

"In the lab with Tony." Steve said. "Come on." He turned around not even glancing at Peggy as the three of you went to the lab. The whole team was there to say goodbye.

"Hey, Tony." You said and took Ari from him, who immediately calmed down when he saw you, "What's wrong, baby? Are you okay?" You cooed at him and kissed his chubby cheek.

"Guess he just wanted you. I mean he wasn't even paying attention to what I was teaching him." Tony said.

"What were you teaching him?" You asked.

"How my suit works." Tony said, shrugging his shoulders.

"Tony he's six months old. He won't understand what you're telling him." You said. "And please. Keep those suits and your tools away from them."

"I am telling you they have the smartness in them. Just send them here once a week and they'll be making suits with me." Tony said.

"No, Stark. Let them be kids for a few years. And it's there choice what they wanna do." Steve said.

"Oh please. I made my first project when I was five." Tony said, pointing his screwdriver at you.

"And? That doesn't mean they have to do the same." You said back.

"Guys guys. Calm down." Bruce said.

"Yeah." You sighed and turned around, looking at the time machine. "It looks good."

"Yeah. Looks a little like mine." Howard said.

"I wish you could stay here forever." You said to him.

"Maybe we can visit again." Howard said.

"Please do." You said and chuckled.

"I'll be seeing you soon, kiddo." He said, "Just gotta find her."

"You will." You said.

"I'm gonna miss you." Howard said and hugged you. "I just hope I remember you when we go back."

"I don't want you to go." You said.

"You know I have to." Howard said, "Come on. Cheer up. We never know. I might come back." He sighed and pulled back.

"I'd love that, dad." You said.

"See you soon." Howard said and kissed Ari's and Abi's cheek before stepping on the machine along with Peggy. "Go ahead." He said to Tony. They had there old clothes on so no one suspected anything when they go back.

"Yup." Tony said, clicking a few buttons on the console and the machine started.

"Are you sure it's gonna work?" You asked Tony.

"Yup. Did a trial once before." Tony said and looked back at his father. "You guys ready?"

"Yeah." They both said together.

"Alright then." Tony said, his hand on the lever ready to push. "3, 2..." He sighed. ".... 1." Tony pushed down the lever and the two rime travellers were successfully transported back to there time.

"The machine worked successfully, sir." The AI said.

"Hey, you okay?" Steve asked as the others emptied the lab.

"Yeah." You said, looking back at the machine. "I miss him already."

"Hey, it's alright. We had a good time with them. That's all that matters." Steve said, putting his free hand on your shoulder and leading you back to your floor. Steve put the twins in there playpen and sat down on the couch with you. "I was shocked to see you coming with Peggy. But I'm glad that you guys made up. What did you guys talk about?"

"Nothing much. I just went and said that I didn't want her to go back with any grudges." You said.

"Oh honey. That's so nice of you." Steve said, kissing your cheek. "I couldn't even think about something like this."

"It's alright." You said, Oh and uh... I won't mind if you go see Peggy. I know she means a lot to you."

"You mean our Peggy, right?" Steve asked.

"Yes." You nodded in response.

"Thank you, baby. How about we visit her together and take the kids if possible?"

"Sure. Anything you want." You said.

"You're the best wife anyone could ask for." Steve said and grabbing your face and kissed you lovingly. "I love you."

"And I love you." You said. "And you're the best husband anyone could ask for."

Time Travellers ~ Steve RogersWhere stories live. Discover now