Chapter 5

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"What is it, honey? You're scaring me." Steve said as he watched you pace the living room in front of him.

"I don't how to tell you." You said, "I'm scared."

"Scared of what, Y/N?" Steve said as he stood on front of you, stopping you from pacing around. "Just say it."

"Okay, fine. I'm two weeks late for my period." You said and looked at him. "I think I'm pregnant."

"What?" Steve smiled at you. "Y-You're pregnant?"

"I'm not sure, Steve." You said.

"Oh God, baby. This is great." Steve said and hugged you tightly. "We're gonna have a baby."

"Steve, calm down." You chuckled as you pulled away. "I said I'm not sure."

"Okay, I'll go and bring some tests okay?" Steve asked.

"Sure." You smiled as you saw the excitement on his face.

Steve leaned down and kissed you softly. "I love you so much, honey. So much." He said, "I'll be right back." Steve pulled away and took his jacket and keys and ran towards the elevator, soon disappearing inside it.


"Here. I got.... uh, six tests." Steve said as he pulled the tests out of the boxes.

"Six? Steve, are you crazy?" You said.

"We have to be sure, baby." Steve said.

"Okay, okay. I'll take two." You said and picked up two tests and headed towards the bathroom.

"Wait." Steve said, he picked up another test and handed it to you. "Three. Just to be sure."

"Okay." You're so excited." You said, pecking his lips.

"I am." He said, "Now go."

You chuckled as you went inside the bathroom.


"Just a few more seconds, baby." You said as Steve once again went to flip the tests.

"Can't wait." Steve said as he bounced on his heels.

The alarm went off and Steve turned the tests over. All three were positive. "Positive." You said, looking over the tests.

"We're having a baby. We're having a baby." Steve said as he looked at you and smiled cheekily and kissed you all over the face. "Thank. You. So. Much." He said in between the kisses.

"Steve stop." You said as you pushed his face away and wrapped your arms around his neck. "We have to go to the doctors to confirm it."

"I can't wait, honey. I can't wait." Steve said as he put his hand on your stomach. "I can't believe this."

"I know. Me too." You said, "I'm gonna go get an appointment."


"I can't wait to see this." Steve said as you were waited for the doctor to come in.

"You need to calm down." You said.

"I know. I'm just excited. It's a whole new chapter for us." Steve said. His face showed how happy he was. It was all he wanted. All he wanted was a happy life and a family of his own. You remember how he used to keep talking about his dream life.

"Hello. I'm Dr, Dawson." The doctor said as she came in and started the machine. "When did you take a test?" She asked as she opened a file.

"Day before yesterday." Steve said before I could even open my mouth.

"Okay. let's see how far along you are then." She said, smiling at you and Steve. She put on the gel and rolled the wand around my stomach. "Well. Looks like you are about four weeks pregnant. Congratulations." She said as she looked at the monitor. She turned it around and showed us the pictures. "That's your baby. Right there. And the heart beat." She clicked on the button and you heard the heart beat of your baby. You turned your head and looked at Steve and saw tears in his eyes.

"God, it's so tiny." Steve said, wiping his tears away and kissed your temple. "It's okay right, there no problem?"

"No. The baby is good and healthy." The doc said as she wrote something in the file. "Your next appointment will me in six weeks."

"Thank you, doctor." Steve said as he helped you wipe away the gel.

"It's fine. I'll get some photos and you can be on your way." She said and left.

As soon as the door was closed Steve crashed his lips onto yours. You moaned in the kiss. "Steve." You giggled as he pulled away only to kiss you again.

"I love you, honey. Thank you so much for this." He said, resting his hand on your stomach.

"I couldn't do it without you, baby." You said.

"Well, I'm not the one carrying it." Steve said, "You are the one to do all the work not me. That's why I'm thanking you. This was impossible without you." He finished and pecked your lips again.

"We should go now." You said.

"Yeah. Come on." Steve helped you out of the bed and left the clinic after taking the sonogram pictures.


Stevie is happy. He's getting the life he deserves. But would the happiness last longer for the two of you? 🤔🤔🤔

Plus sorry for the late update. Was busy reading a very nice story.

happy reading!!!!

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