Chapter 31

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This wasn't supposed to happen. You were supposed to be at the tower after you went to the grocery store. But you weren't. Steve paced around the lab as Tony did everything he could to trace you. 

"Anything?" Steve asked. 

"Not yet. Which store did she go to?" Tony asked, typing non stop on his computer. 

"The one two blocks away from here." Steve said. "Ugh! What if something happened to her?"

"Steve, sit down." Howard tried to calm him. "Keep calm."

"I can't calm down, Howard. I can't." Steve said. He was very close to having a panic attack. 

"Found something" Tony yelled. 

"What?" Steve was instantly by Tony's side. 

"She was taken." Tony said and played the footage he found. "The guy approached her, removed his gun and forced her in his car." Tony said as the three men watched the CCTV footage. 

"Fuck!" Steve slammed his hand on the table, "Did you get the license plate number?" Steve asked. 

"Yeah." Tony sighed, "Tracking it now. J, meanwhile go over the store footage again and face search the guy." 

"Yes, sir. I'm on it." Came the AI's reply. 

"It's probably HYDRA." Steve said. Now grabbing a chair to sit down. "I should've gone with her." 

"It's not your fault, Steve." Howard said. "We'll find her."

"I just hope she is okay." Steve said, his fingers playing with his wedding ring. 

"The car is outside the city. Parked outside a abandoned mansion. Registered under the name of.... Fuck!" Tony yelled.

"Who, Tony?" Howard asked. 

"Justin Hammer." Tony said. 

"Who is he?" Steve asked. 

"A former rival of mine. I had no idea he was out of jail." Tony said. 

"Sir. You have an incoming call from Dr. Rogers." J.A.R.V.I.S. said. 

Tony looked at Steve, who nodded and Tony accepted the call, "Hello?" 

"Hey, Anthony!" Hammer said cheerfully. "I know you must have found where I am by now. But don't you dare do anything. I have your little baby sister with me." 

"Your fight is with me. Leave her alone, you asshole." Tony yelled. 

"Why should I? You and your girlfriend ruined my life when Pepper had me arrested. You destroyed everything I built." Hammer said, "And now you'll pay. My company was my life. You took it from me. I will make you pay, Stark."

"What do you want?" Tony asked. He was calm and had tracked the call by now. You were at the same place where the van was.

"I want you." Hammer said, "I want you to come to my mansion outside New York. Alone. Don't bring your stupid friends with you." 

"Alright." Tony sighed, "I'll be there. But first I want to talk to Y/N." 

"No. Not happening." Hammer said, "You have one hour to come here. Or else you will receive her dead body." And the call ended. 

"Son of a bitch." Tony said, putting his head in his hands. 

"What do we do, Tony?" Steve asked. 

"We bring Y/N home." Tony said, looking up at Steve. "Get my suit ready, J." He stood up and went out walk out of the lab. 

"Tony, wait." Steve grabbed his arm and stopped him. "I'm coming with you." 

"No." Tony shook his head, "This is my fault. I'll bring her home." 

"She's my wife, Tony. I'm not leaving her alone." Steve said. "We're going there with a plan."

Tony groaned, "Fine. But do it fast. We don't have time." 

"J.A.R.V.I.S. call the team in here." Steve said and within a few minutes everyone was in the lab. Except for Thor because he had to go back to Asgard . Steve took a deep breath before beginning. "Y/N's been kidnapped by Justin Hammer-

"Wait? Hammer?" Natasha asked. 

"Yes, Nat." Steve said, "We have his location. He called a minute ago and told Tony to come alone to his mansion. But we're all going to back him up. We have an hour so gear up and meet at the launch pad. We're leaving." 

"That son of a bitch. I won't leave him." Nat yelled as she went back to her room to change in her suit. 

"Bruce, you stay here and be ready in the med bay just in case." Steve said. 

"Sure." Bruce said and went to the med bay. 

"Howard." Steve turned back to him. "Can you stay with the kids?"

"Sure." Howard said, "I will." 

"Thanks. We'll be back as soon as we can." Steve said and left to get ready and went to the launch pad where the jet was ready to take off. 

Time Travellers ~ Steve RogersWhere stories live. Discover now