Chapter 25

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You and Steve had fallen asleep on the couch as you watched one of the movies that were on his list. 

But then his phone rang. Steve groaned but didn't open his eyes and reached out for the phone. He found the phone and answered without looking who it was. "Hello?" He answered sleepily. 

"Rogers. We need you here as soon as possible." It was Tony. 

"What? Why? Anything serious?" His eyes immediately opened. 

"Yeah. Barnes wants to talk to you. He just woke up all of a sudden and demanded to see you." Tony said, "We tried to talk to him but he wants you only." 

"Oh..." Steve said and looked down at you, where you had fallen asleep on top of him. You were cuddled on top of him under the blanket. He could see how you had fisted his t- shirt in your hands. "I'll be there as soon as I can." 

"Okay. How's Y/N?" Tony asked.

"Asleep." Steve answered, wrapping his arm back around you. Snuggling a little more with you. 

"Okay. We're waiting for ya. Bye." Tony said and hung up. 

Steve sighed and put the phone back on the table. He slowly tapped on your shoulder, "Y/N, honey, wake up." He whispered slowly. You slowly blinked your eyes open and looked at him. 

"What?" You asked, clearly annoyed. 

"I have to go to the tower. Bucky woke and wants to talk to me." Steve said. 

"Is he okay?" You asked. 

"He's fine. I have to go see him, honey." 

"Okay." You said and went to sit up but couldn't. You groaned, "Can you...?"

"Sure." He said and sat up along with you so you were sitting on his lap. "There."

"Thanks." You said.

"Come on. I'll help you up and you can sleep." Steve said and picked you up, carrying you upstairs to your room and put you down on the bed and pulled the covers over you. "Get some sleep. I'll come back as soon as possible." 

"Okay. Take care. And tell Bucky I said 'hi'." 

Steve smiled at you, "Yes. Good night." He said and went in the closet to change his clothes. Steve came out and saw you asleep and curled up under the sheets. He kissed your forehead and left. 


"Is he okay?" Steve asked Tony as he came in the cells. 

"He's calmed down when I told him you're on your way." Tony said, "Go." 

"Yeah." Steve said and opened the cell door with his fingerprint. He stepped in and looked at Bucky who was on the floor with his knees pulled up to his chest and his head down. "Bucky? Are you okay?"

Bucky looked up at Steve, "Is that you Steve?" He asked. 

"Yeah, Buck. It's me. Do you remember?" Steve said. 

"Very little. But I'm not him anymore." Bucky said.

"That's good." Steve said and looked at Tony standing outside and motioned him to get Bucky a glass of water. 

"I'm sorry, pal." Bucky said and got up. "I'm sorry."

"What are you saying, Buck?" 

"I'm sorry I tortured you." Bucky said, "It was way too much." 

"I know, but it's fine. It wasn't you. Don't apologize." Steve said, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"Are you okay?" Bucky asked. 

Steve sighed, "I'm fine now." Steve said and smiled at him. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. Just a little scared." Bucky said. 

"Don't be. Everyone here knows what happened to you. They'll help you." Steve said. 

"Okay." Bucky said. 

"There's something else you should know." Steve said to him. 

"What? Did I do anything?" Bucky asked. 

"No. You didn't." Steve said. "It's good news." 

"Then say it." Bucky urged him. 

"You're gonna be an uncle." Steve said. 

Bucky smiled at him, "What? You got married?"

"Not yet. It's a little complicated right now. But I'll explain it to you soon." Steve said. 

"Congratulations, pal." Bucky said and hugged Steve. "I'm happy for you, man." 

"Thanks." Steve said and Tony came in with a glass of water. 

"All okay?" Tony asked, handing the glass to Bucky, who drank it in one big gulp. 

"Yeah." Steve said. 

"Let's take him upstairs then." Tony said. 

"You sure?" 

"Yeah." He said, "Come on, Barnes." Bucky looked at Steve, who nodded and both of them followed Tony out and upstairs to Steve's floor. "You can stay here. Are you okay with it, Rogers?" 

"I'm fine." Steve said. 

"Okay. I'm heading to bed. Good night." Tony said and left the room.

"Come on. I'll show you the guest room." Bucky nodded and Steve showed him the room and the bathroom. "That room is mine. Yo can borrow some clothes if you want." 

"You stay here?" Bucky looked around. "It's the whole floor." 

"No. I have a place. But I stay here when I have to go on missions." Steve said. 

"So, where's your fiance? Can I call her that?"

"Yeah. She's back at home." Steve said and smiled. He always loved talking about you.

"How far along?" Bucky asked.

"Five months. We're having twins." Steve said. 

"Twins? Steve! I didn't know you had it in you." Bucky chuckled softly. 

"Same here." He said, "Anyway I should go back home. Did a lot of work today. I'll come by tomorrow." 

"Sure. I'll borrow some clothes." Bucky said. 

"Sure. No problem." Steve said. "Have a good night, Buck. Just tell J.A.R.V.I.S. to give me a call if you need help." 

"J.A.R.V.I.S.?" Bucky asked. 

"The AI assistant. He's always around." Steve said. 

"Yeah. Alright." Bucky said and hugged Steve. "Thank you." 

"Anything for you, Buck." Steve said, "You don't have to thank me for anything."

"Still. You got me out." 

Steve nodded at him, "Fine. Good night." Steve said and walked towards the elevator. 

"Good night, Steve." Bucky said as the doors closed and Steve nodded at him. Bucky sighed as he went in Steve's room and changed into some comfortable clothes and went back to the guest room. He fell asleep hoping to not have anymore nightmares. 

Time Travellers ~ Steve RogersWhere stories live. Discover now