Chapter 20

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"I'm gonna kill him." Tony said and paced the room. He was on a date with Pepper when Howard told J.A.R.V.I.S. to call him. "How could he do this?" 

"I don't know. He was crying and saying what he did wrong and why would I do whatever I did. And then Peggy said that I cheated on him and then he kissed her." You told him, wiping your tears. 

"She said what?" Tony stopped his pacing and looked at you. 

"That's what I heard." You said. 

Tony sighed, running a hand down his face, "J, show me today's footage in Steve's hospital room." 

"Yes, sir. I sent it to your cell." The AI replied. 

Tony removed his phone and saw the footage over and over again. "What are you going to do?" He said, putting his phone away and sat next to you again. 

"I don't know. I want to know why he thinks I cheated on him. But at the same time I don't even want to see his face." You said. 

"I'll go talk to him." Tony said and stood up. 

"No." You stopped him by holding his wrist. "No. He's not in the state to fight right now. He needs to be better. Please. Not now." 

"Y/N..." Tony sighed, "How can you still care for him?"

"Because I love him. I just want him to get better. A few more days." You said. 

"Okay. Fine." Tony said. "You want something to eat?" 

You nodded, "Pizza please." 

Tony smiled at you, "Okay. I'll order some for us. How about we watch a movie?" 

"Okay." You said. 

"Come on. Lie down, get some rest. Choose a movie and I'll order our food." Tony said and hugged you, "Everything will be alright." 


Steve kept staring at the ceiling as he thought about you. You had seen him kissing Peggy. Steve needed closure. Someone to comfort him through the pain. But you weren't there. He got that comfort from Peggy. And when Peggy told him about you and Jack going out constantly. He was furious, angry. He knew you were best friends since kids. A lot closer to each other. He should have seen it coming. 

His thoughts were disturbed when the door opened and Peggy came in carrying a dish. "Hey, I got you dinner." 

"I'm not hungry." Steve said and went back to staring at the ceiling. 

"You need to eat, Steve. You have to take your medicines as well." Peggy said. 

"I know." Steve said. "I don't want to eat." 

"Is this about what happened?" Peggy said. 

Steve turned and looked at Peggy, "What else do you think?" 

"Don't think about it. It was her decision. You don't need to hurt yourself by not eating." Peggy said, handing the plate to him. 

Steve nodded and took the plate. "Thank you." 

"You eat. I'll have breakfast and come back to give you your medicines." Peggy gave him a smile and left the room with a wide smile on her face, knowing she had what she wanted.


Almost five days had passed and Dr. Cho had cleared Steve to go back to his room. His ribs were in good condition and healed. 

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