Chapter 30

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"How are you feeling?" Nat asked as she helped you with your dress. Your wedding dress. A month ago you and Steve decided not to wait anymore. And now here you are, getting married to the love of your life. 

"I can't believe this, Nat." You giggled. "I'm getting married."

"I know. Even I can't. I didn't know Steve was dating you when I first met him. I never thought that he could be settling down one day. Hell even date someone." Nat said. 

"Yeah. He was stubborn." You said, "It took a lot of time for him to get used to the modern times." 

"Okay. There you go. The bride's ready." Nat said, patting your shoulders. "But are you?" 

"I am, Nat. Thank you for helping me." You said. 

There was a knock on the door and Tony came in, "Hey, sweetheart." He walked up to you and kissed your forehead. "You ready?"

"Yeah." You said. 

"Can you give us a minute, Nat?" Tony said. 

"Of course." She said, "I'll make sure Steve is ready and Sam and Bucky are not irritating him." 

Tony waited till the door was closed and he hugged you tight. "Tony." You sighed and rubbed his back. 

He sniffed and pulled back, looking at you. "You look so beautiful." He said, "I can't believe you are getting married." Tony sighed and reached up to cup your face in his hands, "You were so small when I first held you. And look at that baby sister. Ready to get married. I'm gonna miss you so much." 

"Tony. I'm not going anywhere. I will still visit you." You said. 

"I know. But now you have kids to look after. You will be busy with them and work." Tony said, "How are we supposed to talk?"

"Well, if you come out of the lab of yours, you will realise I am not that busy." You said. 

"Yeah, yeah." He rolled his eyes at you. "You ready to be wedded?"

"Yes." You said. 

"Let's go then."


The wedding was small and intimate. Only the team was present. Both, you and Steve wanted a small and nice wedding with your families. "You happy?" Steve asked as the two of you made your way back to your house. The twins were six months old so Tony and Clint volunteered to look after them. 

"Yeah." You said and yawned, "And tired." 

"Aww. We can go to sleep if you want, honey." Steve said, "We don't have to do anything." 

"You sure?" You asked. 

"Yes." Steve said. 

"Okay then." You sighed and layed your head against the seat and heled Steve's hand that was on your thigh.

Soon you reached your place and got out of the car. You unlocked the door with you key and squealed in surprise when Steve picked you up bridal style and carried you inside. "Steve!" You laughed and held onto his coat. 

"What? I'm just carrying my bride over the threshold." Steve smirked at you and continued to carry you to the bedroom.

"Oh, I love you so much, my cheesy husband." 

"And I love you, my beautiful wife." Steve said, putting you down on the bed and kissing you. "I love how that sounds. My wife." 

"Me too." You said. "I miss my babies though." 

"Yeah. Me too." Steve said and crawled off the bed and took off your heels. "I'll get you some clothes." Steve said and went to the closet. He himself changed out of his suit and took out one of his shirt for you to sleep in. "Here you go, honey." 

"Thanks." You said and changed out of your dress. 

You got in bed and cuddled with Steve for a while before you spoke up, "I don't want dad to go back." 

"I know, baby. But he has to." Steve said, rubbing your back with his hand, the other massaging your scalp. 

"Can he stay?" You asked. 

"He can't. You heard what that Strange guy said." Steve said. "He has to go." 

"I'm gonna miss him." 

"Me too. It was good to have him." Steve said. 

"Must be good to have an old friend back?" You said. 

"Yeah." Steve said. "And now he's my father- in- law."

You giggled, "And now you have Bucky back as well." You smiled at him. 

"Yup. I have everything I want." Steve said and squeezed your body. 

 "Are you happy that you woke up after seventy years?" You asked. 

"I wasn't before but I was after I met you." Steve said, "It wasn't good being in a different time but I had you and that's all that mattered." 

"Aww-" You cooed at him but it was cut of by a yawn. 

"Come on, baby. Go to sleep." Steve chuckled, pecking your forehead. 

"Yeah." You said, "Good night, husband." 

"Good night, wife." 


"Why didn't you come, Peggy?" Howard asked as he entered Peggy's room. 

"Because I didn't want to." She said. 

"You should have." Howard said. 

"Can you just leave it?" Peggy groaned. 

"We're leaving in two days, Peggy. You could've at least met them and said sorry."

"Would you go to the wedding of someone you love?" Peggy asked. 

"I would because I would be happy with the fact that they're happy with whoever they are." Howard said. "And that it was meant to happen." 

"Does Steve know we're leaving?" Peggy said. 

"No. We didn't tell them." Howard sighed, "Let them have some time together. I'll tell them when they come tomorrow evening."

"Okay." Peggy said.

"Sure. See you later." Howard said and went back to his floor.

Time Travellers ~ Steve RogersWhere stories live. Discover now