Chapter 11

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"How was the meeting?" You asked him after having lunch. 

"It was good. Went over the ideas of how to take them down." Steve said as he came and sat next to you. 

"When are you going?" You asked. You always hated when Steve and Tony would go on missions. 

"Tonight." Steve answered. 

"Mmhmm." You said as you stared at your lap.

"Hey, don't worry. I'll come back as soon as possible." Steve said and hugged you close. He knew you'd be worried and stressed when he's away on missions. And right now stress wasn't good for you or the babies.

You nodded as a few tears fell. "I know, baby. Just come back in one piece." 

"Yes." Steve said and kissed you. "I promise." Steve wiped your tears away with the pad of his thumbs.

You looked up at him with sad eyes. "I love you, Steve." 

"I love you too, baby." Steve said as you crashed your lips on his. Steve moaned as he felt your hands pulling on his hair. He knew what you wanted and pulled you on his lap. "You sure?" 

"Yes, Steve." You said and kissed him again. Steve tugged on you t- shirt and pulled it over your head. You did the same with his, throwing it somewhere in the room and kissed him again. Steve's hand made it's way inside your shorts and brushed against your clothed core. "Steve, please." You whimpered as Steve rubbed your mound with his hand. 

"What do you want, sweetheart? Tell me." Steve husked. 

"I want you, Steve. I need you." You said. 

"Your wish is my command, baby." Steve smiled and moved your panties to the side, pushing one finger inside you. You whimpered as he stroaked his finger your walls and added another, going further inside your pussy. You moaned loudly when Steve's fingers stroked your g- spot. Steve silenced your moan with a kiss. Soon you were grinding against his hand and he had to tighten his grip around your waist. "Stop moving, baby. Stay still." 

"I can't." You whimpered. 

"Stay still or I won't let you cum." Steve said. 

"Steve.... please." You said. 

"Please, what?" 

"Please let me cum." You pleaded. 

"Then stay still." Steve said, and kissed you passionately. 

Steve kept working his fingers inside you and you were close to an orgasm when the elevator dinged and Peggy came inside, "Hey, Steve. Are you- Oh my God." She gasped and turned when she saw you both making out on the couch, half naked. 

Steve pulled away from you and looked behind, "Peggy." He looked back at you and you nodded and stood up, giving him his t- shirt and took yours. 

Both of you got dressed and looked awkwardly at each other. "I'll be in the room." You said and went in the bedroom. 

Steve let out a breath and turned to look at Peggy, "Peggy. What are you doing here?" He asked. Peggy turned around and gave him a smile. She felt a little smug inside as she had interrupted them. "Come sit." Steve motioned for her to sit. 

Peggy sighed as she sat next to Steve. "Sorry for interrupting you two." 

"It's okay. We just wanted some time to ourselves before I left tonight." Steve said. "She'a always worried when we go on missions. And it's not good for her to stress." 

"I understand." Peggy said. "Anyways, I wanted to talk to you about something." 

"Go on." Steve said. 

"I-I had a nightmare last night. About the war. Our last conversation. I try not to think about it butI can't forget about it." Peggy said. "And then accomodating to this new lifestyle is difficult as well. How did you manage?" 

Steve sighed, "It's difficult. But I got the hang of it soon. And of course Y/N helped me. Even I have nightmares." 

"What kind?" 

"Same as yours. But it's mostly the plane crash and about Bucky." Steve explained. "I have them now and then. But I manage." 

"I can understand, Steve." Peggy said, putting her hand on his bicep. 

"You should try to talk to someone about it. I did the same. But I had a therapist. You can't get one right now. But talk to Nat, she can help you a lot with them." Steve suggested. 

"You talked to her as well?" She asked. 

"A little, but I only tell about them to Y/N." Steve said. 

"Was she your therapist as well?" Peggy asked. 

"Yeah. She's a surgoen and therpist." Steve said, "Very smart and intelligent. You can guess she gets it from her father." 

"She does." Peggy said, removing her hand. "I'd rather talk to you, Steve. If it's okay with you." 

"I don't know, Peggy. I can't help you when I've my own problems." Steve sighed. "I'm sorry. I dealing with a lot right now." 

"It's fine, Steve. I will try talking to Natasha." Peggy said and stood up. 

"I'll walk you out." Steve said and walked her to the elevator. 

"Thank you for listening, Steve."  Peggy said and hugged him. 

Steve stiffened at her suddeness. But hugged her. "It's alright. We all need it once in a while." Steve said and pulled away from her. 

"Thanks again." Peggy said and walked in the elevator. 

Steve turned around and made his way towards the bedroom. "Hey, baby." Steve said but stopped when he saw you had fallen asleep. He wanted to continue from where you had stopped, but he brushed it off because you were a little tired and had thrown up twice before lunch. "And she's asleep." Steve chuckled to himself and undressed himself to his boxers. He crawled under the blankets and came closer to you. You moaned in satisfaction and cuddled with him when Steve put his arm around you. "Sleep sweetheart." Steve said and kissed your forehead. Steve brought the blanket upto his shoulder and completely covered you within the warmth of the blanket and the heat of his body. Protecting you from the cold temperature. Soon enough Steve had fallen asleep, dreaming about coming home to you and the twins. 

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