Chapter 34

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"Hey, pal." Bucky sighed as he sat next to Steve outside your room. "How is Y/N?"

"She is alright." Steve said.

"Howard said she was shot?" Bucky asked.

"Yeah. In the left leg." Steve sighed, "She'll have to be on bedrest for a few weeks."

"Mmhmm." Bucky nodded. "You don't look okay though. What's wrong?"

"It's just..." Steve shook his head, "I was right there, Buck. I had him but still he managed to shoot her. I couldn't do anything."

"Hey, it's not your fault." Bucky said. "You did what you could."

"I know but I feel bad when I see her like that." He said.

"It's okay, Steve. You guys got her back. That's what matters." Bucky said, trying to encourage his best friend.

"Thanks." Steve smiled at him.

"Yeah." Bucky chuckled and budged Steve. "Hey, do you think Nat would say yes if I asked her out?"

Steve smirked, "Maybe. You'll have to ask her and find out."

"Yeah. I guess I have to." Bucky said. "Any advice?"

Steve looked at him with a quizzical look, "You're asking me?"

"Steve, pal. You have a wife and kids. Certainly, you must have done something right. Tell me." Bucky said.

"I don't know, man. I just did what I felt was right and followed my heart." Steve said. "That's all I got to say."

"Thanks." Bucky said.

"Of course. But be careful. Don't upset her. She'll end up killing you." Steve said. "She os a good woman who deserves someone, someone who can understand her."

"Yeah." Bucky said and stood up. "Anyways. I'll go now. Thanks for the help." Bucky slapped Steve's shoulder as he left the med bay.


"I saw you and Bucky talking outside. It looked like an interesting topic. What was it?" You asked as Steve carried you to your floor and straight to the bedroom where he put you down on the bed. Steve had already brought you clothes down in the bed bay.

"Nothing much." Steve said, sitting next to you. "There's some pizza leftover upstairs. Wanna have it?"

"Yes. But..." You held his hand. "First tell me what you guys were talking about."

Steve sighed and smiled, "Bucky likes Nat."

You gasped in shock, "What? Really?!"

"Yeah." He said. "He was asking me what she'd say and some advice. I mean that guy had girls lined up for him and he asked me, a guy who gets nervous around his girl even though he is married to her."

"Aww." You reached out and pinched his cheek. "Even I get nervous around you."

"Yeah?" Steve said, "Why?"

"Don't know. But whenever I see you or kiss you it gives me butterflies just like the first time." You said and looked away as you blushed.

"That's exactly what you do to me, baby." Steve said and squeezed your hand, bringing it up to kiss your knuckles.

"Okay." You giggled, "Let's get back to Bucky. When is he gonna ask her?"

"No idea." Steve shrugged his shoulders.

"Well, let's hope for the best." You said. "That guy deserves a life after everything he went through."

"Yes." Steve nodded. "Do you think she'll say yes?"

"Don't know." You sighed. "But they would look good together."

"Uh huh." Steve said in response. "I'll go bring us some pizza." Steve stood up, "If there's left any." You laughed in response as he left the room.

Time Travellers ~ Steve RogersWhere stories live. Discover now