Chapter 17

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"Is she okay?" Tony asked as the doctor came out after checking on you. 

"She's fine. The babies are fine too." The doctor said. 

"Then why did she faint?" Tony said. 

"Stress." The doctor said. "She was very stressed. Has she been eating properly lately?" 

Tony sighed and shook his head, "No. Her fiance is in coma. So she's always looking after him. Forgetting to eat." Tony said. 

"Okay." She nodded. "She should wake up soon. Then we'll do another sonogram. She'll nedd to stay here until I think she's okay to go back home." 

"It's fine, doc. I just want her t be okay." Toy said. 

"She will be." The doctor said. "She's asleep but you can go see her." 

"Thank you." Tony said and opened the door to your room. He sat down on the chair and took your hand in his, "You scared me, sweetheart. You know that?" Tony said, wiping the tears that fell. "Don't ever do anything like this, okay? I know you love Rogers more than anything in this world, but you have to look after yourself and the babies too. Please don't do this. Please." Tony said as he sobbed lightly. 

He looked up at you, sleeping peacefully, the moniters beeping steadily telling him that your heartbeat was normal. "What am I supposed to tell Rogers if he wakes up and you're not there? You promised him you'd be there by his side." Tony said. "I'm gonna go and call Nat. Okay? You better wake up till I come back." Tony stood up and kissed your forehead. "I'll be right here." Tony wiped the tears once again and went outside to call Nat.


"How is she?" A worried Howard asked Nat as she ended the call with Tony. 

"She's okay. The babies as well. She passed out due to stess and lack of food consumption." Nat asked. 

"Oh thank God." Howard let out a sigh of relief. "When will she come home then?" 

"She's still asleep. But the doctor said she'd have to stay there till she is healthy." Nat said. 

"I hope she wakes up." Peggy said. On the inside Peggy was all happy on hearing the news. She saw it as an opportunity to get near Steve. Peggy hoped Steve would wake up before you came home. 


Next morning.....

Tony had fallen asleep on the chair with his head on the bed next to you, when he felt movement. He slowly opened his eyes and looked at you. "Y/N?" He said in a low voice. 

"Tony? What happened?" You asked. 

Tony rose from the chair and sat on the bed next to you, "You were unconscious. I found you in the bathroom when I brought you breakfast." Tony said, "Thank God, you're okay." He said as he leaned in and planted a kiss on your forehead. 

"T-The babies?" You said, putting a hand on your stomach. 

Tony gave you a smile, "They're fine and healthy. Don't worry." He said. "Can you tell me what you remember?" 

"Yeah." You said, "I woke up and checked on Steve as usual. Then I went to the bathroom. Brushed my teeth and then...... I must have blacked out." 

"It happened due to stress and less eating. How many times have I told you not to take stress, sweetheart?" Tony lightly scolded you. 

"How can I not stress, Tony? I had to look after Steve." You said. 

"I know that." Tony said, "But you should take care of yourself too. You are pregnant, Y/N!" 

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