Chapter 23

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One week  later.....

"Do you think he'll call you?" Jack asked as he put down the pizza box. 

"I don't know." You said, putting a hand on your stomach. "I hope he does." 

"Stop worrying. Eat." Jack said, pushing the pizza box towards you. 

"Thanks." You said and took piece. "How's Rick?"

"He's good. Said he'd come over tomorrow." Jack said, taking a bite.

"Oh that's good." You said. "Some new company would do me good."

Jack scoffed dramatically, "Mean..."

"You know I love you." You said and put your feet on his lap. 

"Yeah, I know." He said, "Paining?" He asked, motioning to you feet. 

"A little but I'm fine." 

"Here. I'll massage 'em." Jack said and started massaging your feet. 

"No, Jack. It's fine." You protested and pulled your feet back but he held them in place. 

"No, I'm doing it." He said, continuing to massage them. "Eat. Y/N." 

You sighed and went back to eating. Jack kept massaging your feet and ate as well. A few minutes went by and then doorbell rang. 

"Who is it? Now?" You asked. 

"I don't know. I'll go check." Jack said and got up. 

"Must be Rick." You said in a sing- song tone.

"Shut up. He'd have called." Jack said, turning to face you and opened the door. "What?" He asked when he saw your shocked expression. He turned around and saw the person standing in the doorway. "Ah, Captain Rogers. To what do I owe the pleasure?" 

"I'm here to talk." Steve said, "To Y/N." 

"Y/N?" Jack asked, looking at you. "Do you?"

You stood up and walked up to them, "Let him in." You said and walked away towards your bedroom. 

"Sure. Come in." Jack said to Steve, moving away to let him in. 

Steve stepped in and followed you in the bedroom, "Thank you." He awkwardly said as you closed the door behind him. 

"Start talking, I don't have time." You said. A bit harsh but you didn't care.

Steve took a deep breath before he began, "I got your letter. I wanted to apologize." 

"It's a little too late for that, don't you think?" You said. 

"I know." Steve sighed and stepped closer to you. "Please. Just hear me out." 

"Fine." You said. 

"When I was there at the HYDRA base. T-They threatened me that if I didn't give them information they'd hurt you.  All I could think about was you. But I said nothing. I didn't tell them anything. I just wanted to see you. Wanted to hold you in my arms." Steve said, a few tears leaving his glistening eyes. 

"I thought I'd see you by my side when I would wake up and you weren't there. Cho told me you were feeling nauseous so I thought you'd come by later. But you didn't. Peggy was there with me all the time. Telling me how you were with Jack all the time. You not being there made me believe her." Steve stopped when he heard you scoff. "Jack came to see me and I thought you were with him. I just lost it." He sighed. 

"When you came, Peggy was telling me that she saw you making out with Jack. I was sad, broken. And I-I kissed her in that state of mind. I wasn't thinking. I just did it." Steve wiped his tears with his palms. "I know I overstepped when I said those things to you. Please, forgive me, Y/N. Please." 

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