Chapter 12

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"Take care, Steve." You said as you two stood outside the quinjet. "I love you." 

"I love you too, honey. I promise I'll take cae of myself." Steve said, wrapping an arm around your waist and rested the other on your stomach. "I promise." 

"Also look after Tony. He's reckless." You said and chuckled. 

"Yes, baby." Steve said and pecked your forehead and then kissed your lips. "Don't worry, Y/N. And don't take stress. It's not good for you or the babies. Promise me you won't." 

"Yes, I promise." You said. 

"Okay." Steve sighed, "I've to go. I'll see you soon." He said and hugged you tight. 

You did your best to not cry as you let go of Steve and then walked inside the jet to hug Tony. "Take care, Tony. I need you both back." 

"Yes, sweetheart." Tony said, kissing your hair.  "Now come on. We need to leave."

"Yes." You said and gave him a smile as you got off the jet. The jet soon took off and was out of your sight. You ran to your room but were stopped by Howard. 

"Hey, what's wrong?" He asked. "Are you okay?" 

"I'm fine, dad." You said. 

"Is it about Steve?" Howard asked. "Don't worry. He'll come back. He's too strong to be defeated." 

"I know. But the HYDRA now is not like the one you fought. They have high tech weapons and technologies that are enough to take him down. That's why I'm worried."

"Okay." Howard sighed, "Come here." He hugged you as the tears cascaded down your cheek. "He'll be okay." Howard felt you nod against his chest as he spoke once again, "How about we watch a favourite movie of yours? Take your mind off of Steve?"

"Yes, thank you, Dad." You said and pulled away. 

"Let's go then." Howard said and offered you his hand which you took and you two went to your floor to watch a movie.


The team came back almost two weeks later. You were ready near the landing platform along with a few nurses if anyone was injured. The hatch opened and everyone came out. You eyes scanned around them for Steve but you didn't see him. Maybe he was inside doing some work. 

Tony stepped out and came out of the jet and walked straigh towards you. "Tony. Thank God." You jogged to him and cupped his face seeing a few cuts on his face. "Where's Steve?" You asked as you checked him for any other injuries. 

"He, um....." Tony began but couldn't find the right words. He closed his mouth and took a deep breath. He opened his eyes and looked at you with sadness and guilt in his eyes.

"He what, Tony? Where is he?" You asked, tears filling your eyes. 

"He was taken." 

Time Travellers ~ Steve RogersWhere stories live. Discover now