Chapter 8

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Christmas morning.....

You woke as you felt kisses on your stomach. "Steve." You groaned, pulling the blanket more over you. 

"Merry Christmas, honey." Steve said and continued to kiss all over your stomach. 

"Merry Christmas to you too." You said. "Steve stop. You're tickling me." You giggled. 

"No. I am just giving some love to my babies." Steve said as he emerged from under the blanket, hovering about you. "I can't believe we're having twins." He said and pecked your lips. 

"Same here. Tony's going to be surprised." You said. 

"Yeah. They all will be." Steve said. But then his smile change into worry. "What would Howard think?" 

"Steve. He said he is happy with us dating. He has no problem with it." You said. Last week Howard came and talked with you. Saying he was okay with the relationship. 

"I know, but it kinds feels a little weird. You know one time he was my friend and now he's gonna be my father- in- law." Steve chuckled. 

"It is." You smiled at him and cupped his cheeks. "But don't worry. He's happy so it's okay." 

"I guess. We should get ready." Steve said and yawned. Putting his head on your chest as he snuggled into you. 

"No. Let's snuggle a little more." You said, wrapping your arms around his back. 

"Sure." He said, "I love it." 

"What time is it?" You asked. 

"Almost 8." Steve said. 

"Let me guess. You already went for your run." You said. 

"No. Went to the gym instead. It snowed last night." Steve said. 

"You must have broken another punching bag I guess?" 

"How do you know that?" Steve chuckled, looking up at you. 

"You forget I'm your fiance, Rogers." You said. "It's kind of your second nature." 

"Nice observation, Dr. Stark." Steve smirked. 

"I love observing you." You said. 

"Oh do you?" Steve asked. "What if I do the same to you?" He said, snaking his hand under the blanket and inside your shorts. 

"Steve." You whimpered as you felt his fingers teasing your enterence. 

"What? You like that honey?" Steve whispered in your ear. 

"Please.." You moaned and Steve inserted an finger inisde you. 

"Please what?" 

Please, captain. I need you." You said. 

"What my baby wants my baby gets." Steve said as he removed his finger and saw your juices. "See how wet you are. I didn't do much and you're this wet." Steve put his fingers in his mouth and sucked them clean. "You taste a little different hon." 

"Uh huh." You moaned, desperate for him to touch you. 

"Be patient, sweetheart." Steve said as he removed his boxers and lined himself up. "You ready?"

"Y-Yes." You said. 

Butu before Steve could enter in you J.A.R.V.I.S. spoke up. "Captain Rogers, Dr. Stark. Mr. Stark is calling you upstairs for exchanging gifts. Everyone will be there in a few minutes." 

"Uhh." Steve groaned. "What a cockblock." He said, making you laugh. "Don't laugh. God I won't be able to control till we come back down."

"You'll have to behave, Captain. Come on. We'll skip the shower and just get ready." You said. 

"Okay." Steve said and got off of you. Putting his underwear back on. "Let's get ready." 


"So, who's next?" Stark asked as almost everyone had gotten there gifts from someone.

"You're remaining, Stark." Nat said. 

"It's just me?" He asked. 

"Yeah." Nat shrugged as she opened the gift she got from Steve and you. "Oh that's nice." She said, loooking at the spider charm necklace you got her. "Thanks." 

"You're welcome, Nat." You said.

 "Okay. Bring it on." Tony said. You all had decided you get something meaningful or something funny for each other this year. Tony opened one gift after another  till he had only one gift left. "You didn't get me a gift?" He said, "That's not fair. I got you such a big one." Tony said, pointing at the big teddy bear he had placed in the room. 

"Oh I have. But it's not that big. Here." You said, handing him an envelope. 

"You'r getting lazier day by day." Tony said as he opened the envelope and got it's content out. "What's this?" Tony said, looking at the sonogram pictures. 

"That's a sonogram pic, Tony." Bruce said. 

"What? A sonogr-" Tony paused and lookd at you and Steve. "You're pregnant?" 

"Yes. Twelve weeks. And we're having twins." Steve said, wrapping an arm around you. 

"Twins?" Tony smiled and got up to hug Steve and then you. "I can't believe this. Feels like I was able to hold in my arms yesterday and now I'll be holding my nieces or nephews. Or both." He said and kissed your cheek. "I'm happy for you both, but you better name one after me if you have a boy." 

"Oh shut up, Tony." Clint said. "Congratulations guys." 

"Thank you, Barton." Steve said. 

You and Steve accepted the congratulatios from everyone. Even Howard was happy. "Are you happy, dad?" You asked as you hugged him before you went down to your floor. 

"Of course I am." Howard said. The two of you had developed a good relationship over the last month. A very friendly father- daughter relationship. "If there's any help you need you can ask me, okay?" 

'Yes, dad. I'll see you at dinner." You said and pulled away. "Bye." 

Time Travellers ~ Steve RogersWhere stories live. Discover now