Chapter 27

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Three months later.....

You were at tower on your floor while Steve was working with Tony on some intel. All of a sudden a pain shot through your lower stomach. You sat down on the bed as the contraction passed. You brushed it off knowing it was just a contraction as they were coming and going for the past few days. 

But another contraction hit you again a few minutes later. And your water broke. "J.A.R.V.I.S. Call Steve. Tell him it's time." You said and fisted the sheets in your hand as another contraction hit you. 

Steve and Tony soon came running out of the elevator and took you to the hospital. You checked in and were settled in the delivery room.  Now all you had to do was wait. Steve stayed with you every minute and comforted you through every single contraction. A few hours passed and the doctor came to check you. "It's time. You need to start pushing." She said. 


"They're beautiful." Steve whispered to you as he put your baby boy in his cot. Your baby boy was born exactly nine minutes before your baby girl. They'd both fallen asleep after their first feeding. "I love them." He said and laid down on the bed as you moved and put his arm around you. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I'm fine. Just a little tired." You said and yawned. "How about you? Are you okay?" You asked and snuggled his side. 

"I'm good. You know I can stay awake for hours." Steve said. 

"Still. You need all the rest you can get. They're not gonna let us sleep at night." You said. 

Steve chuckled, "You're right. We need to sleep." He said and kissed your forehead, "I'm so proud of you, baby." He whispered against your forehead. 

"Thanks. But you give birth next time." You said, closing your eyes. 

"No problem." Steve said, "Wait. Next time? You sure you want more kids?" Steve asked and looked at you but you had fallen asleep. Steve smiled and pulled the blanket more over you. "Good night, baby. We'll talk tomorrow." Steve kissed you one last time and looked over at the two cots where his babies were sleeping peacefully. Steve swore that moment that he'd do anything to protect his family. Steve sighed happily and closed his eyes and fell asleep. 


You woke up to sound of Steve's voice. Upon opening your you saw him rocking your daughter as he cooed at her. "Are you hungry, baby girl?" He asked her. Steve still wasn't aware of you watching him. 

"Good morning." You said. 

"Hey, baby. Good morning." Steve said and walked up to you with your daughter, "She's hungry." He whispered and handed her to you. 

"Sure." You got situated and soon started feeding you daughter after Steve covered you with the blanket. "We should think about names, baby." 

"Shit, we forgot." Steve shook his head. 

"Yeah. How about um..... Abigail Sarah and Arthur James?" You asked. 

Steve pondered on it for a minute before speaking, "Sounds good. Abi and Ari." He smiled and turned around when there was a knock on the door And Tony poked his head in. 

"Can I come in?" He asked. 

"Come in, Tony." You smiled at your brother. 

"How are you?" He asked. 


"And my niece and nephew?" 

"Abi is feeding and Ari's asleep." Steve answered. 

"What are their names?" Tony asked. 

"Abigail Sarah and Arthur James." You said. 

"Nice names." He said and stopped when Arthur began to cry. 

"I'll get him." Steve said and went to the cot and took Ari in his arms. "He's hungry too." He said, handing him to you. 

"Help me a little." You said and shifted Abi a little. Steve nodded and helped you to adjust Ari and you fed both at the same time. 

"There." Steve said. 

"How do you do it?" Tony asked. 

"The nurse told me how to feed them at the same time." You said. 

"Yeah." He shrugged. "The others are waiting to see them." 

"Yeah?" You asked. 

"I'll tell to wait a little. You feed them and then meet everyone." Tony said. 

"Sure." You said. 

"And the room for the twins is ready at the tower so you can come straight there after your discharge." Tony said. 

"We decided we'd go home, Tony. We want some time to know their schedule. But we'll be there." You said. 

"Fine. It's your choice. Get home and settled and then bring them over." Tony said. "We're waiting outside." 

A few minutes later all of the Avengers and met the new members, (except Peggy of course) and happily cuddled with them. Even Bucky held them. "I can't wait to go home." You said as everyone left the room. 

"Me too. Just you, me and the kids." Steve said. 

"And sleepless nights." You said and giggled. 

"Yup. That too." Steve chuckled.

"Thank you for this family." You said, resting your head on his shoulder. 

"It wasn't possible without you, Y/N. And I promise I'll stick by your side and protect you all." 

"I know." You nodded, "I love you, Steve."

"I love you too, Y/N." 

Time Travellers ~ Steve RogersWhere stories live. Discover now