Chapter 22

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Peggy was going to the kitchen when she heard Tony talking on his phone. She stopped and listened when she heard your name, "Where are you, Y/N?" She heard him. 

She couldn't hear what you were saying so she just listened to Tony, "What? You're at Jack's? Y/N, you just told me Steve accused you of cheating on him with Jack and you go and stay  with him?......  I know, but you could have gone to our penthouse in the city..... And why are you calling from his phone by the way?........ God, Y/N." Tony sighed, "Fine, fine. Just take care of yourself and the babies. Stay safe..... Love you, too. Bye." Tony ended the call. 

Peggy moved away and showed it like she wasn't aware of Tony standing in the balcony. Peggy thought about how to tell Steve that you were with Jack. She wanted Steve all to herself. And she will get what she wanted. No matter what. She'd even make him believe that the babies aren't his.


Three weeks later.....

Steve had been staying in his room for the last three weeks. He'd tried calling you, texting you but you weren't replying to them. All his calls were going to voicemail. 

He even told J.A.R.V.I.S. to track your phone but it was no use. You had known he'd try doing that. So you had thrown your phone on your way to Jack's house and had gotten a new phone and a new number. Steve didn't know this of course. Only Tony and Jack had your new contact. 

Even the team was ignoring him. Other than Nat of course. Even Howard yelled at him. 

"How can you believe other woman over your fiance, the mother of your children?" Were his words. 

Peggy had told him that you were staying with Jack two weeks later after you left the tower. He believed Peggy. He never doubted that she'd lie to him. But still, Steve wanted to talk to you. Apologize for what he said. Steve knew one apology was not enough for what he said to you. The love he had for you was still there. It would never go away no matter what happened. 

Steve was sitting on his couch with Peggy when he once again tried to call  you. And like every time. It went to voicemail. "Steve. There is no use of calling her. She is not even answering you."

"I want to apologize, Peggy." Steve said and searched for Jack's number. He called him and the same result. It went to voicemail, "Of course he won't answer." Steve mumbled. 

"Steve. Stop it. Please." Peggy said, taking Steve's phone and putting it on the coffee table. "You have to move on." 

"What if the babies are really mine?" Steve asked her. 

"They might be. But don't you think she would have told you that by now? She is not answering you back nor is he. That only means one thing." Peggy said, "That the babies are not yours." 

Steve puts his head in his hands, "I don't know what to think, Peggy. I am so confused." 

"Look at me." Peggy said. 

Steve sighed and looked at Peggy, "What?" Peggy just smiled and leaned forward and kissed him. Steve melted into the kiss. He had missed this intimacy, the closure. He wanted you back, but you weren't there. So, Steve kissed her back. His hands went to cup her face and pulled her closer to him. 


"Hey, sweetheart. How are you?" Tony asked as he worked around the lab.

"I'm fine. How are you?"

"I'm good too. How are my future nieces or nephews?"

"They're good." You said. "I wanted to ask you something." 

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