Chapter 4

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"What do you want to talk about?" Steve said as you sat down on the couch next to him.  

"You know just things in general. Can you properly tell me what happened with you?" Howard asked. 

"Um. I don't remember much but I went unconscious right after the plane crashed. I woke up after almost 70 years when they found and thawed me out of the ice." Steve said.  

"What happened after?" 

"Well, I was shocked at first but I slowly got the hang of it. Y/N helped me a lot." Steve said, smiling at you. 

"How'd you meet?" Howard asked. 

"Oh she was the head doctor that checked me out when they found me." Steve said. 

"Who exactly found you?" Peggy asked. 

"S.H.I.E.L.D. found me." Steve said. 

"What's that?" 

"It's a  organisation that was formed after the S.S.R was shut down. You and Howard were the founding members." Steve said.

 "Oh, that's interesting." Howard said with a chuckle. "What about the 'now' us?"

"Oh uh...." Steve looked at you, unsure of how to answer. But was saved by J.A.R.V.I.S.

"Mr. Stark has called you all upstairs, Captain. He says it's urgent." He said. 

"Yeah. We'll be right there." Steve said and stood up as did the others.

"Who is that?" Howard asked. "I heard him a lot of times but didn't see him." 

Steve chuckled, "You won't see him. He's an AI assistant, J.A.R.V.I.S. Tony invented to help him with his inventions. Tony named him after an butler of yours." 

"AI?" Peggy asked. 

"Even  I can't explain it properly. But it's very recent technology." Steve said. "We should go upstairs. Come on." Steve said. 


"What is it, Tony?" Steve asked as he walked in the common floor. 

"This is Dr, Stephan Strange." Tony motioned to a man standing next to him. "He is a wizard and has some very concerning information about our new guests."

"Nice to meet you, Captain." Strange said. 

"Nice to meet you too. How do you know about them?" Steve asked. 

"I always see the dangers that appear all around the planet." He said. "It's important to talk about it." 

"What's wrong?" Steve said. 

"I have seen the future and it'll be very good if you just listen to me." Strange said. "I saw them coming here and saw what could happen. There are many possibilities that could happen but only one is right." 

"And that is?" Steve questioned. 

"You need to let them stay here as long as possible. I don't know how long but it's a long period." Stephan said. 

"Don't they have to go back at some point?" You asked. 

"Yes, Dr. Stark. They'll have to." He said and turned towards Tony. "I suggest you'd start working on the machine with your father." 

"Yeah." Tony nodded. 

"I'll take my leave now. Thank you for listening." Strange said and made a vortex and disappeared in it.

"That was unbelievable." Howard said. 

"There are a lot of things that you won't be able to believe." Steve said to him. 

"Maybe we should start working on that machine." Tony suggested. 

"Yes, but I saw some of my works in that warehouse. You don't have the time machine?" Peggy asked. 

"No. There was nothing like that when I cleaned it out." Tony said. "But we can search some of your notes." 

"Sure. You have them?" 

"Yeah. Come on. Let's start working." Tony said and walked towards the lab with Howard following him. 

"Hey." You said to Steve, "I need to talk to you." 

"What?" Steve asked. 

"Can we go to our room?" You said. 

"Sure." He nodded. "Let's go." 

Time Travellers ~ Steve RogersWhere stories live. Discover now