Chapter 29

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"Hey, good morning." You greeted Bucky as he came in the kitchen. 

"Good morning, Y/N. Where's Steve?" He asked. 

"Oh, he's sleeping." You said, "You hungry? I'm making breakfast."

"Sure." Bucky said. "Can I help with anything?"

"No. Just take a seat." You said. 

A few moments later, Bucky spoke up, "Hey um, I wanted to say something to you." He said nervously. 

"What is it?" You asked. 

"I uh...I-I just wanted to apologize." Bucky said and gulped, "I feel bad for torturing him so much. Steve got hurt because of me and he was away from you too. And then everything happened between you guys..... I'm so sorry." 

"Bucky..." You sighed. "It's not your fault. None of it is. I don't blame you for anything because I know it wasn't you." 

"Still, I feel like it was all because of me- I-I shouldn't have tortured him that much." Bucky said. 

"It wasn't you Bucky. You did what you were told." You said. "Even Steve doesn't feel that. He never blamed you for anything that happened." 


"Yes, Bucky." You smiled at him, "Now come on. Enough of that talk. I'll-" You paused when you heard Steve's voice.

"Hey, babe. Good morning." He smiled at you, "Mornin', Buck." Steve said.

"Morning to you too." You said and kissed him as he stood next to you. "Breakfast?"

"Yeah. I'm hungry." Steve said. "The kids asleep?"

"Yeah. Just fed them before making  breakfast."

"Okay. We can maybe have a quiet morning then." Steve sighed, taking a seat next to Bucky. "How are you, Buck?"

"I'm good." He nodded, "You guys came here pretty late yesterday. Why?"

"Ah, Tony got injured and wanted Y/N to patch him up." Steve said. "So we came."

"Is he okay?"

"He's fine." You said and heard Ari crying through the baby monitor, "I will go check. You boys have breakfast."

"Okay." Steve said and started making plates for himself and Bucky. "How are you settling in?"

"I'm good. I spend some time with Howard but I talk to Nat as well." Bucky said.

"Natasha, huh?" Steve smirked at his best friend. "She's nice."

"She is." Bucky said.

"You like her." Steve said, placing Bucky's plate in front of him.

"What? N-No." Bucky denied.

"I can see it on your face." Steve pointed his fork at Bucky.

"No. I don't." Bucky shook his head.

"Arthur James! Did you just pee on me?" They heard your voice.

Bucky looked back at Steve in shock and confusion. "Did you?"

Steve smiled at Bucky knowing exactly what he was asking. "Yeah. I did." Steve said, "I told you I'd name my son after you."

"Why? Even after everything I did to you?" Bucky asked.

Steve sighed, "Don't think about that. I named my son after you because you're my best friend, Buck. I don't care what you did."

"Thanks, Steve." Bucky smiled, "And I'm sorry for hurting you."

"It's alright. I'm over it and I never judged you about it." Steve said. "I am just glad that I have my best friend by my side now."

"Yeah." Bucky smiled. "Me too."

"Why don't your start training with us?" Steve asked.

"Okay." Bucky shrugged. "When do you guys train?"

"Few times a week. But we take a two days off after a mission to relax." Steve said. "Maybe you can train with Natasha." He teased.

"Steve. Come on. Would you stop?" Bucky said.

"No. Never."


Just some friendly banter between the best friends.

Updates will be late for the next few months.

Happy reading!!!!!!!!!

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