Chapter 32

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"Where's everyone?" Peggy asked Howard as she came to Steve's floor after noticing that there was no one at the tower. 

"Y/N has been kidnapped. They all went to bring her back home." Howard said as he sat in the living room. It had been a few minutes when everybody had left and Howard came down to check on his grandchildren.

"Did you at least tell Steve that we're leaving?" Peggy said. Not caring about what Howard just said. 

"No." Howard said. 

"Why?" Peggy asked. 

"Because my daughter is kidnapped, Peggy." Howard sighed. 

"Yes, I know. But you could have told Steve before he left." Peggy said. 

"Did you not here what I just told you?" Howard asked. 

"What's the big deal, Howard? They all are going to bring her home right? Just relax." Peggy said. 

"How can I relax? She's my daughter, Peggy." Howard whisper- yelled at her. He didn't want to wake the kids up. "I know you hate her but at least don't behave like this." 

"What has she done to you?" Peggy looked at Howard, "This isn't you Howard. Remember when you said you would rather die than have kids?"

"Yes. That was before we came here. I at least know that I will settle down when we go back and have a family." Howard said. "I will have a happy life. What about you?"

"I have Daniel. I love him" Peggy said. 

"Oh yeah?" Howard scoffed, "Did you forget about him when you saw Steve here? Did you forget about him when you broke my daughter's engagement?" 

"Steve is my first love. I did what I had to do to get him back." Peggy said. 

"He was engaged, Peggy." Howard said. "You had moved on from him."

"I know. But you can't deny your feelings." She said.

"Steve had a happy life, Peggy. You do know you ruined his life?" Howard said, "Do you have any idea what Y/N went through? She was pregnant. She could've lost the babies because of the stress you put her under. Steve had even told you he had moved on from you and you took advantage of his trust in you."  

"I don't care about Y/N. I love Steve and he loves me. That's all I know." Peggy said. 

"He doesn't. Not anymore." Howard said. "Steve does not love you anymore." 

"He does." Peggy yelled. 

"No, Peggy. Get out of your head." Howard said, "You're acting out of envy. You did all of this just because Y/N had him and not you." 

"He was supposed to come home to me." She said. 

"That wasn't meant to happen, Peg." Howard sighed, "You need to move on. And I request you, when they come back don't try anything on Steve. Stay away from him. He is happy and has a beautiful life. Don't mess it up." Howard said and heard a small cry on the baby monitor in front of him. "I'll be right back." With that Howard left Peggy alone in the living room.


"Everybody in position?" Steve asked as he hid behind a bush. 

"Yeah." Came everyone's reply. 

"Stark?" Steve said. 

"Yup. Going in now." Tony sighed. 

"Everyone be alert. Barton, you know what to do." Steve said and sat down on the ground, waiting for Barton's signal to go inside. 


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