Chapter 37

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"I don't believe you, Steve." The old Peggy chuckled. 

"It really happened, Peggy." Steve smiled at her. He had left out some specific details. Not wanting to hurt her feelings. "Believe me." 

"Oh, I believe you Steve. But what you are saying is just completely unbelievable." Peggy said. 

"Y/N. Tell her, it's true. Otherwise she won't believe me." Steve looked at you for help. 

"Aunt Peggy. Did you know that dad made a time machine?" You asked her. 

"He did built something. But I guess it didn't work." Peggy said and you looked at Steve. Maybe she didn't remember. "We both tested it. But we just ended up back in his warehouse. That's all I know." 

"Oh." You sighed. She had no memory of what happened. "It's alright, Aunt Peggy." 

"Hey. We wanted to tell you something else." Steve said and removed his phone to show her photos of your wedding and the twins. 

"What?" She asked. 

"See." Steve showed her the wedding photos and the photos you had taken of the twins. 

"Steve. They are beautiful." She said. "Those kids are just cute." 

"We wanted to invite you for the wedding but you were a little under the weather so we didn't." Steve said. 

"Yes, my son told me about it. That reminds me. I have a wedding gift for the two of you." She said and pointed at a table behind Steve. 

"Aunt Peggy. You didn't have to." You smiled at her. 

"It's the least I could do,sweetie." She said. 

Steve stood up and got the neatly wrapped present, handing it to you. "Here. Open it." You opened it and saw nameplate for your house. "It's beautiful, Peggy. Thank you." 

"We'll definitely use it." You smiled at her.

"I am glad you liked it." She said. "I had it made especially for you from a friend of mine." 

"Thank you, Peggy." Steve said. "Thank you so much." 


Steve sighed as he laid down in bed that night. "Hey, baby." You said as you lay next to him and snuggle his side. "You okay? You've been quiet since we came home." 

"Yeah." Steve said and turned on his side to hold you better. "It's just.... it felt good to see my Peggy after so long." 

You smiled at him, "Did it feel good?" 

"Yeah." Steve said, "Thank you for making me go." 

"It's alright, Steve. You know Id' do anything for you." You said. 

"I know. I'd do the same for you." Steve said. "I thought I couldn't even see her face. But when I saw our Peggy. That feeling just went away. That felt good." 

"Yeah. But do you think they did the whole time machine thing?" You asked. 

"No idea." He said. "But she did say they did something but it didn't work." 

"Maybe she doesn't remember." You said. 

"Yeah. Let's keep it that way. I like her the way she is." Steve said. 

"Aww." You chuckled and pinched his cheek. "My baby. So lovely of you." 

"Thanks." Steve said and yawned. "Come on. We better get some sleep."

"Yeah." You said and buried your face in Steve's chest as he covered the two of you with the comforter. "It's a blessing our babies sleep the whole night." 

"It sure is." Steve chuckled. "Thank you for forgiving me. I don't know what I would have done without you or the kids." 

"It's fine. I don't hate you for it. All I care about is that you are mine and we have a good family." You said. "I don't want to look back at the bad times. Just focus on making good memories for us and the babies." 

"Yeah. We can do that." Steve agreed. "Maybe we can give them more siblings." 

"Yes. I'd love that." you said. 

Steve gasped, "Really? You want more babies?" 

"Yeah. maybe one or two more." You said. 

"Then let's not waste any time, honey." Steve said, rolling you on your back and kissing you. 

"God. You can't just control yourself, can you?" You giggled as he kissed down your body. 

"What can I say? I love the baby making process." Steve said, looking up at you with lust- filled eyes. 

"Mmhmm. I love it too." You said and squealed as he pulled off your panties and the shirt you wore. "Fuck, Steve." 

"Oh, I will, baby." Steve said and spread your legs open. "Just let me make love to you first."

(You know what happens next. 😏😏)


The End.

Time Travellers ~ Steve RogersWhere stories live. Discover now