Chapter 26

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A few days later.....

"You could have called me to help you down, baby." Steve said as he stood at the bottom of the stairs, watching you wobbled down the stairs. 

You stopped and looked at him, "Yeah. But I smelled breakfast and woke up." 

"Let me help you." He said and climbed the stairs and put his hand on your lower back and the other hand held yours in his. "One at a time." He said. Steve helped you down and sat you down in the chair on the kitchen island where you always had breakfast. "Remember what the doc told you. You need to take it slow."

"Mmhmm." You hummed as Steve kissed your forehead. Yesterday you'd gone for the sonography and found the genders of your babies. Steve was over the moon when he saw his babies moving around inside. He even shed a few tears when he saw the twins doing something very magnificent. 

"Y/N, look. There hands." Steve pointed at the screen. You could see their hands were touching each other through their sacs. "God, baby." He whispered as he cried. It was a very special moment. 

"They will be great siblings." The doctor said and moved the wand around. "They look good and healthy. Want to find out the genders?"

"Yes, please." Steve answered before you could. 

"Okay, then." She said and looked at the screen. "Baby A is a girl and baby B is a.... boy. Congratulations." 

"Oh, Y/N." Steve say down next to you and hugged you the best he could. 

"Here." The doctor gave you some tissues to wipe the gel after the sonogram was finished. "I'll print the pictures for you." 

"Eat, baby." Steve said, putting the plate in front of you. "You need anything else?"

"Water, please." You said and started eating your breakfast. 

"There you go." He said and gave you the glass of water. "What were you thinking about? You seemed a little lost." 

"Just about yesterday." You said and smiled. "It was beautiful." 

"It was." Steve said and prepared his own plate of breakfast. "I love them so much." 

"Me too." you said and Steve sat next to you. You looked at him as he ate. He had done so much for you in the past few days. He had taken care of you, made sure you ate and stayed hydrated. He even massaged your back and feet for you. You could see he was trying hard for forgiveness. Doing his best to prove himself and making up for his mistakes. "Steve?"

"Yeah?" He said and chewed his food. 

"I forgive you." You said. 

He paused. His hand stayed the way it was. The spoon just a few inches away from his open mouth. You smiled and took the spoon and fed him. "What?" He said with his mouth full. 

"I forgive you , you dork." You said. 

"R-Really?" He stuttered. 

"Yes, Steve." You said and fed him another spoonful. 

He smiled and hugged you. "Thank you." He said. "Thank you so much. I promise you I won't ever do anything like this again." 

"I know you won't. You've proved yourself." You said, rubbing his back with your hands. 

Steve nodded and pulled away. He cupped your face and brought you in for a kiss. "I love you, Y/N." 

"I love you too, Steve." You said. 

"Wait." Steve said and stood up from his chairs and dashed upstairs. He came down and kneeled in front of you. 

"Steve, baby. What are you doing?" 

Time Travellers ~ Steve RogersWhere stories live. Discover now