Chapter 7

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"What do you wanna talk about?" Steve asked as he closed the glass door to the balcony. 

"Just some things." Peggy shrugged. "How have you been?" 

"I'm good. Why do you ask?" Steve said, leaning against the railing. 

"Just asked. You seem very happy." Peggy said, looking back at Y/N. 

"Yeah. I am." Steve smiled at her. "What is it, Peggy? I know this is not what you want to talk about." 

"I wanted to talk about us." 

"What about us?" Steve asked. 

"You know.... our kiss." Peggy said, now standing next to Steve.

"Peggy." Steve shook his head. "What are you saying?" 

"You moved on pretty quick, Steve." Peggy said. "Like there was nothing between us." 

Steve sighed as he looked outside at the New York skyline and then back to her. "You really think it was nothing for me? Yes, it was. Still is. You were my first love after all." 

"Then what about the kiss does it mean nothing?" 

"It was just one kiss, Peggy. Yes, there were feelings we never talked about or acknowledged, but that doesn't mean you can judge me." Steve said. "I had no one when I woke up. No one. Y/N was the only person who was there for me, who understood me. She didn't judge me because pf my shyness or lack of experience. She saw me for who I was, not my title."

"What about the promise you made me?" Peggy asked. 

"God, Peggy. Look it's not like we used to date or something. And yes, I promised you I'd come back. But it didn't happen." Steve said. "Please. Can't you  just be happy for me?"

"I am. But I was surprised by how quickly you'd moved on." Peggy said. 

"I know. Even I was surprised." Steve chuckled. "She is everything I ever wanted in my life. And I'm glad I'm building a life with her." 

"Mmhmm." Peggy hummed in response. She was jealous of you. You were getting everything she was supposed to get. You had Steve. Her Steve.

"Have you found anyone? Back in you time?" Steve asked Peggy. He very well knew she was got married and had a family. But he wanted to ask her.

Peggy froze. She didn't want to tell him about Daniel. "No. Not yet." She lied. "It was hard for me to move on." She said, wrapping her arms around herself. 

"You should Peggy. You should move on. Don't stop because of me." Steve said. "I'm sure you'll find someone when you go back." 

"I guess I will." She said. "I should get back." 

"Yeah. Let's go. It's getting cold out here." Steve said as he turned around. 

"You getting cold?" Peggy asked and laughed. "Since when temperature affected you?" 

 "It isn't. I just hate the cold. Since I came out of the ice. I hate it." Steve said. 

"Why?" Peggy shrugged. 

"You'd understand if you were frozen for decades." Steve said. "I could feel it around me when I was asleep. But I couldn't do anything to stop it. Couldn't move. I don't hate the snow. I hate that cold feeling you get." 

"That's sounds bad." Peggy said. 

"You don't know the half of it." Steve shook his head. "We should go." Steve said and opened the door for her to go ahead of him. 

"Yeah." Peggy said as she walked inside. 


"Hey." You said as you saw Steve and Peggy coming inside. "Dinner's almost done. You want to eat?" You asked Steve. "You're welcome to join too, Peggy." 

"No, it's fine. I told Natasha I'd come for dinner." Peggy smiled at you politely. "I should go. It was nice talking to you, Steve." 

"Yes, it was." Steve said, giving her a smile. 

"See you tomorrow. Bye." Peggy said and walked away to the elevator. 

Steve wrapped his arms around you quickly. He sighed in content when he felt your warmth. "What's wrong, baby?" You asked. 

"It was cold outside. And plus Peggy asked me why it bothered me and I told her." Steve said as he closed his eyes. "It's bothering me a lot." 

"Aww, my baby. Why don't we eat dinner in the bed. We can cuddle, watch movies and be warm." You said. Knowing how much the cold bothered Steve. he used to have nightmares by just thinking about it. 

"Sounds good." Steve said. "I'll make plates, you go and choose the movie." 

"Sure." You said and turned around, pecking his lips. You pulled away and went to the bedroom to choose a movie. 

Steve sighed as he made plates for you and him. He tried to keep his dark thoughts out of his head. He soon took the plates and went to the bedroom to see you changing the old blanket with a fluffy one. It was Steve's favourite. He could see you'd put on a movie. It was on his watch list as well. His heart melted at the way you cared for him. "Dinner." Steve said as he walked further in the room and sat down on his side of the bed. He got under the covers and put the plates on the bed. "C'mere." He said, patting the space next to him. 

You sat down and took your plate and handed the other to Steve. "You wanted watch this one right?" You asked as you started the movie. 

"Yep. Nat recommended it to me." Steve said. "What's the name? I forgot." 

"Fifty shades of grey." You smirked at him. 

"God, honey." Steve groaned.

"You wanted to watch it." You said. 

"Fine. I will. You'll pay for that later." Steve said. 

"I'd love to." 

Time Travellers ~ Steve RogersWhere stories live. Discover now