Chapter 6

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"We have to tell Tony and the others." Steve said as he held the folder of photos and leaned against the elevator wall. 

"Yes, how about Christmas?" You said, "It's only a month away now." 

"Yeah. That's a good idea." Steve smiled at you. 

"Maybe we can gift Tony a sonogram picture or something."

"Yeah. That's good." Steve said as the elevator dinged and opened on your floor. You removed your coat and shoes and flopped down on the couch. "You tired, baby?" Steve asked as he sat down next to you. 

"A little but I'm sleepy." You said as you rested your head on his shoulder. 

Steve chuckled, "We can get some sleep." 

"Then let's sleep." You said, snuggling more against Steve. 

"No, not here. Let's go to bed." Steve said and got up. "Come on." He said to you. 

You whined at him, "No." 

"Come on. You know we both can't fit on the couch. Unless you're on top." Steve said. You groaned as you put your arms out for him to pick you up. Steve chuckled as he picked you up bridal style and carried you to the bedroom. "Such a sleepyhead." he whispered as he put you down on the floor and pulled down the covers. 

"I know." You said. "It's not my fault. You kept me up last night." You said and smirked at him. "Something about celebrating something."

You mumbled as you laid down on the bed, pulling the covers over you. "You liked it." 

"Yes, I did. Now come here. I need my human pillow." You said. 

"I will, just let me change." Steve said and went into the closet to change out of his clothes. 

"I'm coming too." You said. 

Both of you changed and got in bed. You put your head on Steve's chest. His steady heart beat immediately lulling you to sleep. 


"Tell me one thing, Anthony." Howard said as him and Tony worked on making the machine. 

"What?" Tony said as he looked through some notes. 

"How long have Steve and Y/N be dating?" Howard asked. 

"Uh... 3 years." Tony said, turning to the next page. 

"Have they been staying together?" 

"Not always but they moved in together after a year of dating." Tony asked. 

"And you allowed it?" Howard now said. 

"Why not?" Tony shrugged. 

"I mean isn't it a little odd for unmarried couple to stay together?" Howard said. "What would people think?"

Tony sighed as he put the book away, "Look. I don't know how it was at your time, but the society has changed now. No one cares what you do. Living together is just another step ahead in a relationship." 

"When are they going to get married then?" 

"Steve proposed just a month or two ago. It's up to them to decide when to tie the knot." Tony said. 

Howard sighed, "Fine. It's alright I suppose. I haven't seen him like this. So it's a little weird." 

"Yeah. It is." Tony said. "Let's get back to work." 

"Yeah. Give me that book."


You were making dinner when you felt Steve come behind you. It was a habit of his. He would stand behind you as you made dinner. His hands rested on your stomach. "How are my babies doing?" 

"We're fine." You said, stirring the vegetables. 

"Why don't you sit down and I'll cook?" Steve asked. 

"Steve it's fine." You said. 

"Come on, let me help you." Steve whined. 

"Remember what happened the last time you helped me." You said, looking at him over your shoulder.  

"No." Steve said. He remembered exactly what had happened. He was being super horny and had dragged yo to bed, burning your dinner.

"You burned the dinner." You said. 

"I brought pizza for you after." Steve said. 

"Doesn't give you reason to do it again." You said. 

"Oh I will." Steve said and kissed your neck. 

"Stop right there, mister." You chuckled, pushing him back.

Steve tightened his arms around you more, pulling you closer. "Come on. Just one more time. I won't trouble you again." 

"Steve-" You began but stopped when you heard the elevator ding. 

"I'll go check." Steve said as he pulled away from you. 

"Steve, you there?" Peggy said as she came into view. 

"Peggy, hey." Steve said as he stood next to you. 

"Can I talk to you?" She asked Steve.

"Yeah." Steve said, but didn't move from his place. 

"Not here." She said awkwardly. 

"It's fine. We can talk here." 

"Please, Steve." Peggy said. 

Steve sighed and looked at you. "You'll be okay?" 

"Yes, go talk." You said and gave him a smile. 

"Okay." Steve said and walked over to Peggy. "Let's go talk in the balcony." He said to her. 

"Sure. Let's go." 

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