Chapter 18

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"Here." Peggy handed Steve his medicine after he ate some breakfast. 

"Thanks." Steve said and took the medicines. "Can you tell Y/N to come down here?" 

"I'll try." Peggy said, making a sad face. 

"What's wrong?" Steve said as he looked at Peggy. 

"Steve... I don't know how to tell you this but..." 

"But what? Is Y/N okay?" Steve asked. 

"I think Y/N is seeing someone else." Peggy blurted out. Like it was something she didn't want to tell him to not hurt him. "I'm sorry." 

"No. She would never do this." Steve said. "I know her." 

"I know, Steve." Peggy sighed, "But I can't deny what I saw." 

"What are you talking about Peggy? Just say it." Steve yelled a little. 

"I saw her going out with a guy in the morning after breakfast." Peggy said. 

"But Cho said she was sleeping." Steve said. 

"I don't know what Y/N told her." Peggy said. "But I saw the guy. He came to your floor yesterday and they went out to dinner." 

"Who was he?" Steve asked. 

"I think his name is Jack? He came to the New Years party as well, right?" Peggy asked. 

"Yeah. He's Y/N's best friend since hgh school." Steve said, "I know him." 

"There's more." Peggy said. 

"Now what?" Steve asked. 

"She's has been going out almost everyday with him since you were taken." Peggy said. "Like she wasn't worried about you at all." 

"What? No." Steve said. He couldn't believe what Peggy was saying. He knew you and Jack were close friends. He could see how pure your friendship was. Just like his and Bucky's. "It can't be true." 

"It is. Steve. I'm just telling you what I saw." Peggy shook her head, "I'm sorry." She said, getting up and walked out of the room. A smirk formed on her face when she heard Steve groaning in anger. Her plan was working. All she had to do was ingnite the fire and it needed was a small spark to explode. 


Two days later.....

"Hey, Y/N." Jack said as he came in your hospital room to see you. Tony had called him and asked him to stay with you since he had to go back to the tower for some work. "How are you?" He asked as he hugged you.

"I'm fine. Just have to lie here till the doctor thinks I'm okay." You said as you pouted. 

"Hey, don't do that. It's for your own good." Jack said. 

"I know. But I want to go home and see Steve. He's awake now." You said. 

"You can see him when you go home." Jack said. "Does he know you're here?" 

"No." You said. 

"WHAT?!" Jack exclaimed. 

"Jack, calm down." You said, hitting his arm. 

"Sorry. But why doesn't he know?" 

"He was in a coma for a week. He woke up two days ago. He's still not fully healed and you know how he is. He'd go mad if something happened to me." You said, "I want him to get better and not worry about me." 

"Y/N." Jack sighed, taking your hand in his. "Sick or not, I've seen Rogers. He's always worried about you. He's the best guy for you. Trust me." 

"Thank you, Jack." You said and smiled. 

"It's alright." He shrugged. "So, wanna watch a movie?" 



The next day.....

"You can go home today, Dr. Stark." The doctor said. 

"Thank you." You said. 

"Just take it slow and don't stress. Most important. Eat." He warned you.

"Yes. I will." You said. 

"You can change your clothes. I'll go get the papers done. And you can be on your way home." He said and left. 

"Excited?" Jack asked. 

"Yes, very." You said and giggled. "I'm gonna go straight to Steve's room." 

"No." Tony said. 

"Why?" You whined. 

"You will go straight to your room and sleep for a few hours." Tony said in his big brother tone. 

"Please, Tony. It's been so long. I want to see him." You said. 

"No." Tony said. 

"Uh.... fine." You groaned at him. 

"Y/N. Calm down." Jack told. "Why don't you go change and we will pack your bags?" 

"Yeah." You said and went to the joint bathroom without another word. Obviously angry at Tony. 

The drive back to the tower was silent. You kept looking out the window the whole time. Only looking at Tony when he said you had arrived. Jack had helped you back to your room. He made you some food and you went to sleep. 

Jack made sure you were asleep before leaving you and went to the ned bay to visit Steve. He was well aware about what you'd told him. To not tell him what happened. 

"Hey, Steve. How are you?" Jack asked, walking in the room. 

"Jack." Steve said in a curt tone. "What are you doing here?" 

"Came to see you." Jack said, sitting in the chair. "How are you?"

"I'm fine." Steve said, giving short replies. Not looking at Jack. 

"Good. Y/N's so worried about you, man. She said you were in a pretty bad condition even after you woke up." Jack said. 

Steve scoffed, "She knows my condition? Good to know she's worried." 

"Why wouldn't she be? You're her fiance." Jack chuckled. 

"Yeah." Steve said, fisting his hands, trying to control his anger. 

"What's wrong?" Jack asked. 

"Nothing." Steve said, "Can you go? I need some sleep." 

"Yeah." Jack said and stood up, "Sure. Take care. I'll be with Y/N." Jack gave him a smile and left. 

As Jack left the room he could feel Steve's behaviour was a little off. Being a psychologist he could easily differciate between behaviours. And from what he saw. Steve seemed angry. He just didn't know why. Maybe he was angry that you didn't visit him once? Or was it something else? 

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