Chapter 33

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"How is she?" Howard asked Steve, who was sitting by your bedside in the room.

"She's still out." Steve said. You had passed out in the jet due to blood loss. "She should be up soon though."

"Yeah." Howard sighed. "Where's the guy?"

"In the cells." Steve said. "Tony went to the police to file a report and they'll come and take him under custody."

"Good." He nodded. "Tony really did something good with the arc reactors. People are going crazy to get there hands on the technology."

"He did." Steve smiled. "He's just like you in some ways."

"Yeah." Howard said, "That's why I'm scared to have kids. I don't want them to turn out like me."

"They're very successful in there lives. Achieved so much with those Stark brains." Steve said, looking over at your sleeping body. "Both of them did."

"Yeah." Howard smiled. "God. I wish I meet whoever is there mother soon."

Steve chuckled, "You will, Howard. You will when it's time."

"Do you know her name?" Howard said.

"Yes." Steve answered.

"What is it? Tell me." Howard said.

"No. Let it be a mystery for you to solve." Steve smirked.

"Come on, Rogers. I'm your father- in- law now. You can't say no to me." Howard said.

"I can because I want my friend to love his partner. Not just stay with her because he knows it's her." Steve said.

"Our relationship is really complicated." Howard shook his head. "But it's fine. At least you found someone. Even if it's my daughter."

"Yeah." Steve said. "She just had me under her spell since the moment I saw her." Steve said.

"That she does." Howard said. "She just makes people fall in love with her."

Steve chuckled, "I think you just accepted the fact that you're gonna love her when she is born."

"I will. With all my heart." He said.


"Hey, baby." Steve stood up and sat on the bed. "How are you feeling?"

"Like I've been shot." You said. Still feeling groggy because of the anastasia. "How long was I out?"

"Just a few hours." Steve said and kissed your hand.

"Hey, dad." You gave him a smile.

"Hi." Howard said. "I'll come back later and tell the others you're up."

"Sure." You nodded as he left the room. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I'm fine, honey." Steve said. "Can you tell what happened?"

You nodded, "After you dropped me at the store I quickly grabbed some things.  But before I could go to the counter, he came and took me."

"Okay." Steve said, "We have him now. Tony went down to the police station to file a report. They'll come and arrest him."

"Yeah." You said. "Come here." You patted the bed and shifted without hurting you leg.

Steve removed his shoes and got in bed with you, swinging his arm over your shoulder and linked his other hand with yours, resting it on your thigh. "Does your leg hurt?"

"No." You said and rested your head on his shoulder and played with his fingers. The cold feeling of his ring satisfied you.

"I was scared, you know?" Steve said.

"What?" You looked up at him.

"When you didn't come. I was scared." Steve said. "I-I thought something happened to you." He stuttered and sniffed back his tears.

"It's alright, Steve. I'm here now." You said andand squeezed his hand.

"I'm just glad you're back in my arms." Steve said, nuzzling his head in your hair. "I love you."

"And I love you." You said and turned your head to kiss him which he quickly returned. "When can I go upstairs?"

"Don't know." Steve said, pressing another kiss to your cheek. "Gotta ask Banner."

"Mmhmm." You hummed and closed your eyes, relaxing against your husband's warm body.

But then the door opened. "Hey, sweetheart." Tony came in and stood in front of you. "You okay?"

"Yeah." You said. "What about you?"

"I'm good." He sighed. "Hey, could you give us a minute, capsicle?"

"Sure." Steve got out of bed and kissed your forehead, "Call me if you need anything." He said and went outside the room to give you two some privacy.

"I'm really sorry, Y/N. I am sorry this happened to you." Tony said. "This was all my fault."

"Tony, hey." You sat up straight, holding your hand out for him to hold.

"No. Let me finish." He said and grasped your hand in his. "It was my fault he took you. He confessed everything to the police. H-He was going to kill you, sweetheart." Tony closed his eyes, but failing to stop the tears. "I don't want to think what would've happened if I hadn't listen to Steve and agreed to make a plan. I'm sorry for hurting you."

"Stop, Tony." You wiped away his tears. "I don't blame you for this. I don't blame anyone." You said.


"No. Stop." You shushed him. "And stop crying. What would people say if they see Tony Stark crying?"

"Yeah, yeah." Tony chuckled and hugged you tight. "You're okay, right?"

"Yes, Tony." You said. "Thank you for saving me."

"It's my responsibility. Even if you have a husband now." Tony said and pulled away slightly to kiss your cheek. "You're always gonna be my little sister."

Time Travellers ~ Steve RogersWhere stories live. Discover now