Chapter Eleven

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Chapter 11

I really didn't feel like staying a little bit more. I've heard enough amounts of money these snob people are donating.  Seems like Grayson is too because one second he was chatting up with a girl, the next, he was no where.

I think my mother's done telling me how much of a disappointment I am, my father also gave me the look. I'm so tired of this shit.

So I went to the lobby of the hotel, to find out Manny had an emergency to go on– but I also think it's my parents' punishment for being late. I stand outside the hotel, cold as shit, trying to look for an Uber. My hand rubbing my arm to keep me warm.

People from the event looking at me like I'm a lost puppy. Well– I sort of am.

I keep refreshing my phone and there's still no one available. Fuck.

As I kept rubbing my arm, a jacket or the tux jacket, rested on my shoulders. I turn to look who it was, and it was the person I least expected to do that.

"You can have it back– I don't need it." I spat.

"Madisyn, can you stop being so stubborn and take the gesture? Or would you rather freeze to death?" He stood beside me as I rolled my eyes, his hands in his pockets.

His car pulls around and the valet steps out his car. Grayson went to the driver seat, the passenger seat window rolls down.

"Get in the car." He spat.

"I have an Uber, you can go." I smile sarcastically.

"I'm not having this conversation with you again. Get in the car." He said the last sentence a little more intimidatingly.

Whatever. I'm waiting for another hour just for an Uber, and for people to stare at me and tell my mother how weird I look. So I did what I never would do. I sat in the passenger seat of Grayson Richards' car.

His jacket still around me. One hand on the steering wheel.

I really am dying for a coffee right now. But the tension around us could cut anything.

I was the first to talk. "Could we pass by something?" I said in a low voice as he sighed.

"First of all– I didn't do this to you. And I want coffee, so if you may– go to the first gasoline station we're passing by."

"A gas station coffee?" His voice judging.

"Shut up, you can't judge if you haven't tried it."


As Grayson pulls up to the Gas Station. He parked, facing the store.

"Just– stay in the car." I told him. It's where I go to, to buy my coffee during high school. I know what your thinking– why isn't she buying from Starbucks instead? It's because I prefer this coffee, and it's been a long time since I've drank. I go here all the time in the middle of the night if I was hungry.

Grayson sighed once again, and I took that as my cue to get out.

I was near the entrance, seeing random low lives of guys smoking and drinking beer, these dumbasses aren't even trying not to be caught. They're literally looking straight at my ass and to my chest, and one of them has the audacity to whistle. On second thought– maybe I should just go to Sta-

The ignition of the Porsche suddenly turns off. "What the fuck?" I told myself as I turned to see Grayson approaching me, his jaw clenched, looking like he's about to commit murder.

His eyes settled on one of the guys checking me out, as he rests his hand on my lower back. Softly pushing me towards the door as he opened it. His front centimeters away from my back. I felt him leaning down, hot breath near my ear. "Hurry the fuck up." he says harshly.

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