Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter 18

Going to class, I've got english today, thank goodness, because I swear, english will always be my favorite– it's literally therapy for me.

Walking in the hallways, I was 5 minutes late because I couldn't find a parking area for my car, so here I am rushing when I was met with Grayson. "Wow, you're late?" He smirks and opens the door for me.

The whole classes' eyes were settled on us. Silence peaked as we walked to the two seats left beside each other. Great.

"Okay, let's continue. I'll be pairing all of you." Ever better, cue the sarcasm. "I need you to choose a quote or a line from a song," Everyone's faces immediately lightened. This is some grade school work. "Easy right?" The professor says, mocking us.

"I want you to come up with your own meaning behind the line you've chosen. A thousand word essay, that's highschool work so don't complain to me about how hard it is."

That's what she said. Stop.

Grayson besides me smirks, yup a dirty minded person as well.

"Okay let's pair you guys," Mrs Fallon looks around the class, "this is easy– Kyle and Aldridge. Anna and Jeremie. Miah and Liam." She looks around again. "Taylor and Joe. Betty and James. Alison and Dylan." What is she? Playing match maker?

She once again looked around and there were two pairs left, that includes me. Her eyes traveled through each of us until it landed on me. She sighs with a smile on her face, "Madisyn and–" my heart was beating a million times per second.

"Mr Richards." Fuck no.

"Isn't that fun?" Grayson says beside me, his voice low and raspy. I look over to him with annoyance and back at our Professor.

"And last, Henry and Addy."

"You've gotta be fucking with me." I say under my breath.

"This is due next week Monday, pass it on time. You got 4 days, that's enough!"

How the hell am I supposed to work with this cocky football quarterback, he's going to give me a headache and I'm gonna end up doing all the work. It's easy to come up with a line, I can listen to a thousand songs and write ten lines or more.

"I don't want to do this by myself. Don't fuck it up Richards." I bitched at him.

He leaned his shoulder towards my side, "I won't." Then she stood up just as Mrs Fallon dismissed the class.

Out of anyone I could be paired up with, it's the guy I despise and loathe. This guy who could simply look at me and my blood would boil. I can't even imagine how much he hates this.

"So? How are we gonna do this?"

The audacity of this man to even think that I would, what? End up at his-

"The essay, Madisyn."

We walk to the hallways, I could feel the girls passing by us wishing I were dead.

"We can go to the cafe right now and plan." I suggested. I would rather be at my dorm right now, but this for the sake of my grades.

He slows down his steps and matches it with mine. Every step he takes, I swear it would be 3 steps for me.

"I'll see you there."

"Nah, I think this'll be a lot faster if we go to the cafe together."

"My car is parked down there." I point to the parking lot, "I'll just see you there." I run to my car and open the door.

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