Chapter Thirty-One

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this is part 1 out of 2!!

Chapter 31

Walking out in the hallway, as fast as I could, so many things could be said between Grayson and I.

Words that I don't want to hear. That I'm too scared to hear, and yes that's me being a complete coward— but wouldn't it be better if I should just be left alone.

The sky began to turn grey.

I was running near the exit when all of a sudden I hear a door close behind me.

"'Mads." he calls out to me.

What do you want Grayson Richards?

I turn back, our eyes on each other. We were five feet apart until he started walking towards me.

"What?" I spat. "I don't care what you're gonna say Gray. Save it- I don't wanna hear a single word come out of your mouth."

"Too late." he says— not a care in the world. "What's with you and the hockey player?"

"None of your business-"

"See Mads— it is my business, because we had sex and you act like nothing happened." He pauses, "You're so full of yourself that the only thing you genuinely care about is yourself-"

"What's so fucking wrong about that huh?" I cut him off. "Stop being a hypocrite, because all you care about is yourself!" I'm so sick and tired of this. "You don't think that what happened between us doesn't haunt me?" Inhale. Exhale. "Fuck you."

His jaw clenched, and I know this asshole always clenches his jaw when he's pissed but god— this time it wasn't because he was pissed. He was stopping himself from saying something. He wasn't physically saying anything, but his eyes spoke— and just like me, our mind was in a million places, not knowing how or what to say.

Finally he spoke, "You ruined me, you know that?" His eyebrows furrowed, eyes locked with mine.

Just like two stubborn people, I didn't let go of our eyes, so did he.

He sighed and said, "I'll drive you home." Those words from him sounded so calm even if his demeanor never changed. He was still stoic but somehow I could hear how he truly meant it.

I budged, "No. I'm sure your big win will have some kind of celebratory party." I turn towards the exit and started walking.

Until my feet wasn't on the ground anymore— next thing I knew, I was on his shoulders. "Grayson!" I screamed and slapped his back, because currently— that's where I was facing, while my ass was beside his face and his hands was mere away from my ass.

"Put me down!" I wiggled and wiggled, then I realize that I'm on a quarterback's shoulder, there was no fucking chance I'll be put down. "Grayson I swear to fucking god, I will slit your throat." I hear his chuckle.

What the hell am I in for! I groan.

I gave up. "This is childish as fuck."

"If you weren't stubborn, don't you think you'd be walking right now?" he says as we pass by security, their eyes immediately raised and smirked at Grayson.

We were in the underground parking when Grayson pulled out his familiar car keys.

Finally, we arrived his car and put me down, he immediately opened the car door and sat me inside.

He got in the driver side, and reversed out of the parking lot. "I still have my car in the parking lot, asshole."

"I'll call one of my teammates to get it." And so he did, and we were out of there.

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