Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter 15

Arriving the football house, also known as– The Lions Den. The music was blasting from the outside, a bunch of college girls entering the door. Lasers and lights going around.

Nicole and I walk into the door, she knows lots of men, which means we get the special treatment. The people, mostly girls, gave us the upset look that we got in and the started complaining because they've been waiting for 30 minutes.

For the record– it's a party not a club.

"Lots of people, huh?" I told Nicole.

"It's a Victory Party, why else do you think so?"

Entering the room, college kids dancing in the middle of the room. The smell of alcohol and sweat covering the room.

"Shit, I have to pee, you'll be okay right?" Nicole asks as I nod. Here I am again, alone. God knows what will happen in a few seconds, minutes, hours.

Going to the other side of the room, some people recognize me– maybe from the scene I caused a while ago. I saw people playing beer pongs when the running back, Matti, swung his arm around my shoulder.

"The one and only!" Why do football players get to have that tall ass height? His 6'4 height beating mine. "What?" I look up to him.

He walked us near the other players. "The girl who saved our QB and got the other QB suspended!" He shouts and all the other players looked to me. Shit. They were laughing and smiling and ran to me.

Suddenly I was up in the air and brought me to their shoulders. They were happily shouting everyone's attention, the girls around looked at me with despise.

Fuck it.

I rose my hand and laughed at their faces until I was down on the floor again.

The boy huddled me up in the middle and hugged the crap out of me.

"From now on, you can count on us!" Lukas, another player shouted through the loud music.

"Thank you boys!" I smirk. I fucking had the football team on my side– maybe defending Grayson wasn't bad at all if it meant having the biggest men on campus by my side– then hell, I'd do that shit again.

Speaking of– where is he?

"He's not here." Lukas must've caught me.

I look up to him, acting confused.

"Grayson." he paused, "He's up in his room, he didn't feel like getting more injured before the next game."

"More?" He's hurt? Did he break anything? Was he sprained? What the hell happened? Why the fuck am I acting like this? I don't care.

Lukas chuckles, the rest of the players going back to where they were. "His chest got hurt pretty bad, but it'll heal before the game. Nothing he can't handle." He winks.

"Oh." that was all I could say.

"His room is upstairs, the last room on the left." Now I'm confused.

"What makes you think I'll go and see him? I didn't shout at the field because of him, it was because they weren't doing anything to the player that hurt him. It wasn't fair." Am I sounding defensive? No.

"Madi, we know you hate each other. But you got that look on your face that you hate him less." And then he walked back to his teammates.

I definitely don't have a look on my face.

No. I don't hate him less– in fact I hate him more. What gave him the right to smirk at me when I thought he was hurt and he was there on the field shouting curse words. He was hurt and I was furious. What made his teammates think I hate him less? I will always hate him. I loathe Grayson. He's a cocky motherfucker. God. Why'd I even stand on that barrier and shouted– what was it for? Now this.

I went to the mini bar they had in the house. "Shot of tequila" I said as they gave me one, I pushed my head back and drank it like it was nothing. I felt like getting wasted tonight.

"Another one." until I kept asking for more and my head went into a million different universes.

Next thing I knew I was dancing while my head spinned. It was nothing I couldn't handle. I was throwing my hair around, I was sweating my make-up off. Where the hell was Nicole?

I was dancing my ass off until a hand was wrapped around my waist and his front was on my ass. What the fu-

"Get off of me!" I pulled myself away. A freshman.

"Do you know who I am?" I pointed on my chest. "A hot girl, that's who." He grabbed onto my arm. I swung my right hand on his face, "Bitch!" he screamed.

Two of the football players went near, their faces serious, damn, who taught these boys? Yup, their Quarterback. It's funny how they look scary to other people.

"Get off of her man." Aiden said, another football player. The freshman backed away from me, and went away.

"I feel like sleeping" I told myself.

I was walking up the stairs, walked until there was no room left because that was how it was back in Canada. My room was the last room at the end of the hallway.

I twisted the doorknob, my eyes were too tired to open.

I took my shoes off, and next went my top. I heard a faint voice, a deep voice. Wow, I thought to myself.

"What are you doing?" he said. I must be hearing things because this is my room.

I flopped on the bed. These comforters smell a lot like a guy– a familiar one. Weird, I've never had a guy over in my room, that's probably Nicole, she must've used some kind of mens perfume. But why is it a familiar scent? This is so odd.

This is a really comfortable bed. I took the comforters off and put it around my body. This is cozy, I could stay here forever.

My head was still spinning.


That was the last thing I heard before I passed out. Although I did feel the comforter rising up to my shoulders.

I felt the weight of the bed sink, and took something– a pillow I think? Then it was gone.

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