Chapter Twenty-One

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Chapter 21

Arriving at my parents' house, I got ready to expect the comments coming from my mother. It's literally all I've prepared for if and or during the time I arrive here.

"You didn't mention you were wealthy." Nate says beside me as we enter the gates of hell.

I didn't like it when people say this, because after all– it was my parents' money, not mine. I just turned out to be their one and only daughter, and from that, it had perks.

"Because I don't consider my parents' wealth as mine." I told.

Everything was great when we arrived, my mother and father was not there. I was told that they were coming home by dinner.

I wasn't planning on staying here or 2 nights, we're leaving first thing in the morning. For god's sake, I'm 20 and I'll be sleeping in my parent's house with a guy like its some kind of vacation house.

After what I said earlier, Nathaniel didn't mention anything about money or having these luxurious stuff from the foyer all the way to the third floor of the house.

"Would you rather be in the guest room, or here?" I asked him as I took my shoes off.

He walked toward me, "Would you rather me in the guest room, or here? With you?" he returns the question in a low voice. That made my stomach do multiple flips in a millisecond.

I smiled at him, "I'd rather you here– with me." I chuckle, wrapping my arms on his shoulders and giving him a peck on his lips.

You know how I've always felt so lost and utterly sad whenever I come 'home' here in Canada? With my arms wrapped around him, I just realized that coming here doesn't feel that bad after all.

I couldn't ask for anything better.

We pulled apart as we heard someone– I'm guessing my father. Walking up the stairs. I took Nate's hand and led him downstairs, my dad went inside the room so we didn't see each other.

Walking to the dining room, my mother shows up with her motherly wit, her crimson red lip and that awful presidential dress she always wears out, and somehow manages to tell me that my outfits don't look great.

"Madisyn!" She says in the highest note. I gave her my favorite fakest smile that until now, no one's ever noticed. How fun.

She turns her head to Nate, "This must be Nathaniel Anderson, famous athlete!" Great stalking skills Mother. Not creepy at all.

Feeling Nate hold my hand tighter I said, "Or just Nate." I chuckle as he hugs my mother. "Nice to finally meet you Mrs Davis." They pull apart.

"Please– call me Rose." First name basis already? Never heard that one ever.

We stood there for a few minutes before my father entered the scene. At least he looked like a normal father that would meet his daughter's guy friend– I guess?

"Hey dad." I hugged him. "Hello my darling." he says as we pull apart and noticed Nate beside me.

"I'm guessing this is my daughter's dear friend." he raises an eyebrow at me, as if he knew what was going on between us. My father held his hand out, "Nice to meet you Mr Davis." Nate says as he shakes my dad's hand.

We soon went to the dining table and sat as we waited for food.

Here comes the interview from the Davis'.

My father sat at the end of the table, my mother on the right side of the table, and us on the left, beside each other.

When our food and wine arrived, my father started talking. "So, Nathaniel, right?"

"You can call me Nate, Sir." He says ever so politely.

"Well, Nate, what do you do for a living?" my dad asks before chewing his steak.

"I'm a professional hockey player." Yup, I pulled him. Still can't believe it.

I'd rather have my dad questioning Nate for now than my mother, because if that happens– it's a huge possibility that she's gonna ask for his social security number and the crimes he's done in the past years of living on this earth. And I'm scared for the moment my mother opens her mouth to say something.

"What team and what position do you play?" My father's very interested since he's very much played hockey during high school before he needed to go Yale and study Law School.

"I'm a Left Defenseman and for the NJ Devils." Nate smiles.

"You know, me and Madi over here," my father points to me, "I used to bring her every weekend to a hockey game, remember that Madisyn?" I nod, until he stopped because he was too busy to spend time with me anymore.

"Really?" Nate says beside me.

"Yup, so I'm pretty sure she got lucky with you." I laughed out loud. Dear god.

"Sorry! I guess-" I cough, "yup! I guess I am."

Soon after that, Nathaniel was talking with my mother, and talked business with my father. I never knew Nate's dad studied law, and that charmed my father and so did my mom. She was admiring him so much– I was glad actually.

That there's a guy that they want for me, that I want as well.

After dinner we headed upstairs and thank jesus that my mother didn't talk about anything regarding that Sports isn't a career to pursue and nor does fashion.

I've gotten that talk since I was 14.

"Your parents are fun."

"I'm glad you think that." I smile. The smile I've put up with eversince.

 The smile I've put up with eversince

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