Chapter Twenty

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Chapter 20

"I really don't have anything to do, so yes. I'd love to meet your parents."

"Don't you have a game? Or maybe a practice you have to be in? Your coach might get mad or your team-"

He chuckles, "Do you not want me to go?" Nate said as he raised an eyebrow.

"No- no! I- I'm just you know," I chuckle nervously, "I don't want you going out of the country just to see my parents. It's not worth it."

Was that a good excuse? It's not that I don't want him to go, it's just because I'm scared. Scared that when he meets my parents, he'll think I'm one rich spoiled brat Canadian that wasn't grateful so I moved out and went to New York. A pity party.

I guess he was convinced to go because after we drove home, he started texting what time he should be arriving in Canada or if it was cold and snowing. Fuck.

This whole effort of his, my mother will love him. He'll like him so much that she'll arrange marriage and want him as a son.

Maybe that's what he sees in him.

Something she doesn't see in me?

God, this is too deep. It's so unnecessary to think about.

'We'll only be staying for 2 days, Nate. I have things to do for college.' I text him. No matter how much important things I have to do– the requirements I have to finish because of the hope of it all, I want to fucking graduate. But, I don't think my mother gives a shit.

'Alright. See you there.' he replied. Maybe I'm a little too bitchy about this but I can't help but think about everything, literally everything. What he would think, my parents, the people around me? I don't know.

Packing my things, I needed enough time to sleep. My flight is 4 in the morning, the only flight available for tomorrow. I hope my mother's happy to see me.

I wake up, the coldness of New York invading my room. I got ready, put my clothes on and checked my phone to see 3 messages from Nate.

'I'm about to leave.'

'You there?'

'I'll see you in the airport, Madi!'

Well, looks like he's even more thrilled to see two strangers from Canada.

I drove to the airport to find Nate sitting on one of the waiting regular chairs with the rest of the people waiting for their flight. His hoodie was over his head and I think he was wearing Airpods explaining why he doesn't look up from his phone when I call him.

I sat beside him and he surprisingly turned.

"Hey, you're here." He smiles and gave me a hug.

"Why wouldn't I be?" I laugh. "Why aren't you in the VIP Lounge?" I ask.

"I was just waiting for you, just in case you'd want or expect to see me here." He rubbed the back of his neck. I guess that was kind of him.

"We better get going or we're missing our flight." I chuckled.

We walked to our gate and continued to sit beside each other in First Class. Some people recognized him, knowing most of the passengers we're surrounded with are obviously from Canada– and a couple of girls waving at him like I wasn't here? Their fake bleached hair.

He was sat on the window seat, thank god. In that way I could dead stare these bitches into reading the room.

My eyes were settled and burning holes at the back of their heads.

"These girls can't get a hold of themselves." I said bitterly as I rolled my eyes. "Don't mind them." Nate comfortably said. And just as I was starting to not mind, one of them stands from their seat– the fake blonde one, and started to walk towards us.

"Hi!" She says with her high pitched voice with a smile as wide with her veneers. Her eyes seductively looking at Nate up and down– does this dumbass not see me? I'm literally in front of her.

Before Nate could answer, I said, "Shouldn't you be seated?" I bitched. She turns her head to look at me, and her smile falters. Good. I felt Nate shifting in his seat. "What are you? The flight attendant or something?" She proudly stated.

Really? She probably thinks she killed that come back.

Seeing that the person she wanted to laugh at that didn't. Her cheeks heated. "Anyways. Hi Nate! I'm such a huge fan of your team, and I watch hockey games like all the damn time!" She brags.

God I wish I could roll my eyes higher.

"Thank you." He smiles politely. This man will always be kind when I need him to humble her. Kidding.

"Can I take a pic-"

"Ma'am, I'm sorry but you have to be seated."

"Oh. Okay." She walked away sadly.

I couldn't help roll my eyes for the 5th time. It's 4 in the morning, I don't want to be dealing with girls trying to get Nathaniel's attention. A great start to my day.

"You okay?" He asks as he turns to me, his eyebrows furrowed.

"Yeah." I said flatly.

"You sure?" his hand laid on my left thigh.

Fuck it. "I get that you're a famous hockey player, but jesus, those girls- especially that girl," I pointed my eyes at the blonde bitch from a while ago. "Can't read the room. I'm literally sitting in front of her and she's here batting her eyelashes at you as if it would work." I'm definitely frustrated.

The least I expected was for him to chuckle.

I frustratingly turned my head to him, "What are you laughing at?"

"Babe, I'm not laughing," he smiles, "You're cute when you're jealous." he teases.

"I'm not." I am.

"I'm going to Canada to meet your parents aren't I?" I nod, "There's no need to be jealous, Madi."

And then he softly kissed me.


Another chapter tonight or tomorrow?


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