OoO - Alien Circus

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This is an alien au stemming from a book I'm reading. The alien circus part is what it's based on, not the book itself.

I started writing this months ago, and just never got around to finishing it up until now.

The port bustled with activity left and right. People of all species and color moved around the tense space, chatting in millions of different languages. Some were leaving and some were coming, but all were marked with the clear ranks that all societies hold.

Cal had learned to blend in to these rankings young. He was unique, a creature that took the biological form of one species but the spiritual of another; a god like species with abilities that have been seen in hundreds of aliens' deities. Because of this, he was taught to act like what he was perceived as; a human.

Ducking carefully around people, he tightened his grey jacket. He didn't like wearing bright colors, his hair did the job for him. Neon-teal curls that sat loosely to his head. Partnered with his green eyes that stood out against his light brown skin, he was an anomaly to many, and could make a lot more money if he switched careers, but he liked his job quite a lot.

He pushed through a crowd of Garcolians, all young and dressed to go to one of the space hubs many clubs or casinos. They talked loudly as he pushed past, whispers ringing as their pure colored eyes noticed Cal. He ignored them and moved on.

The security guard stopped him as he approached the doors, holding up a scanner as he garbled in another language. He nodded as Cal scanned his card and opened the gate, allowing him through.

"Thank you." Cal said. He pulled his jacket closer and headed towards the train. A highly technological built machine introduced by humans. It mixed gravity and hover technology to make a fast and cheap form of transportation. His card scanned again, allowing him into the train. He plopped in an empty seat and sighed. 'I'm almost home, finally.'

The large circus structure was hard to miss. A vibrant blue and white mixture with flags and signs galore. The large tent in the middle was the biggest in the large chunk of entertainment. It was the performance tent, where the main show was ran. Food, games, and smaller acts were built around it.

Many liked to joke about how human it looked, but that made sense in the long run. The ringmaster was half human, and the head of the circus was raised on a human based colony.

He entered the tent in question. It was full of activity as the acts trained for the up-and-coming show. He spotted his closest friends quickly and headed over.

Magnus was the only one standing, their hand filled with knives they had spread into a fan. They studied the target calmly under their bright purple gaze. Magnus was one of the hybrids of the circus, having joined with their older brother.

The pair were mixes of two powerful species, though Magnus hadn't unlocked some of their abilities yet; something about being given not enough magic energy from their mom. Inpu didn't know much about their mother and Momiji hadn't met many hybrids in her life.

Magnus noticed Cal walking over, dark ears tipped in purple flicking. The ears were jackal like, though not as tall as their brother's.

"Hey Cal." They nodded at him before returning to knife throwing, their domain. They worked with Solis, their sword swallower, a lot, though they also liked working with Xylo.

"Magnus." Cal nodded back before carefully cutting around their back, avoiding getting in the range of the daggers. He headed over to the two sitting down on the edge. "Hey, Inpu. Xylo."

"Hello Cal." Inpu grinned at him, sharp teeth catching the light. He was an interesting being, with the dark skin, jackal ears, and magic that came with his Dad's species, though the red glint in his eyes and 4 tails were from his mom. "Enjoy your trip?"

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