OoO - House of Magicians

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Part two of Percy Jackson au


Brinley paced the cabin, twisting her hands together as she walked. Bri lounged across her bunk as she went, eyes following her younger sister.

The Aphrodite cabin was almost empty, not surprisingly of course. During the school year, only three of the siblings stayed at camp, Brinley, Bri, and Bryan.

The cabin was quiet now as Brinley paced. The curtains they had set up to separate the beds were thrown open, making the crowded cabin big enough for her movement. She threw her hands up in exasperation as she stopped before Bri.

"How can you not be worried?" She questioned, twirling a strand of her blonde hair nervously. "He's never been gone this long, at least not for such a small quest. What if he was... killed?"

"It's Bryan." Bri sat up. Her amber-pink hair fell over bright blue eyes as she leaned forward. "I've known him since we were 11. Trust me, he's very hard to kill. He's way too stubborn to visit Hades."


"Brinley, just relax. Mom doesn't want him dead; this is her way of making sure the other gods don't take their anger out on him. He'll be fine."

"You- ahrg." Brinley flopped on her bunk, running a hand through her hair. "I still think we should be concerned. What was the name of that museum again?"

"Doesn't matter. How about we go get a snack."

"I don't want a snack."

"Too bad. It'll take your mind off of this."

"Hmph." Brinley folded her arms. After a second, she dropped them with a sigh. "Fine."

They moved to leave. Brinley stopped at the door once Bri had left. She looked over on the other side of the cabin, where only one bed appeared to be occupied. Pictures sat pinned across the wall, a third holding the face of the person who lived there.

"Please be safe, Bryan."

The light was blinding as he blinked his eyes open. The room was fuzzy, barely in focus as he came to.

Dull pain throbbed in Bryan's stomach, causing him to groan. He sat up slowly, clutching his gut. He blinked away the fuzz and brightness, allowing him to focus on the room.

It was obviously a medical area, with beds lined with open curtains. A counter sat across the wall opposite of where he lay, flush with the door. Cabinets full of what appeared to medicine and herbs sat over it.

The walls appeared to have pictures painted onto the dusty green paint in gold; hieroglyphics, like the one Bryan saw.

That's when he noticed the person.

He stood in the far corner, nearly tucked away behind the curtains of the far bed. He was average height, with warm brown, freckled skin, and tight neon teal curls.

He wasn't dressed like a doctor, wearing a black band t-shirt and dark grey jeans, but Bryan knew not to judge a book by its cover.

"How did I get here?"

The person jolted and spun, green eyes wide. He was young, probably Bryan's age, maybe a bit younger, evident in his soft round face.

"Huh, oh you're awake." He set down the book he had in hand and walked over. He stood over Bryan and motioned. "Be careful, please. You took quite a hit. You're really lucky it was Inpu who found you; his bandaging kept you alive long enough for me to heal you."

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